Story One: Rita: Part One

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Rita was in a training room at the sichicksal hq practicing for the next major impact when she got a call from otto "Rita, I need you to come to my office immediately." Rita smiled and replied with "Understood master otto, I'll be there shortly." Rita finished up the targets and headed off towards the overseers office.

Upon entering the office she found otto staring at a city with a mushroom cloud above it. "Rita." Otto said "I have a mission for you Rita. You are to investigate the city find out what caused this." Otto played a clip of a building in the city collapsing. "People think it's honkai." Otto said "But I think it may be something else. Now go prepare, You'll be leaving alone in an hour."

Rita went to her room on the hq and put on her umbral rose battlesuit and grabbed her scythe aphrodite as she felt that in the city it would be filled with mechs. She then left and saw a pilot. "Rita, over here." said the pilot "I have orders to take you to the city for your mission." Rita smiled "Thank you pilot."

Rita was looking out of the ship she was in and saw bits of the building that was destroyed lying around. "Whatever happened here wasn't pretty." said the pilot "I'll be landing you on the outskirts of the city to not draw any unwanted attention." Rita nodded and said "Understood, I'll call when I find something."

They got to the outskirts and before Rita left the pilot gave her a device. The pilot then said "Otto forgot to give you this during your briefing." Rita took the device and said "Thank you." Upon leaving Rita noticed that the device was pointing slightly to the left of the building. "Ok then I'll see what's going on." Rita thought to herself.

 Rita was walking through the city keeping an eye on her surroundings making sure this wasn't an ambush. While walking she heard the device ping and saw on it that she was getting close to the signature was. Rita saw some silhouettes and kept watch. She noticed that the sector of the city she was in was barren she could see nobody as bits of the big building in the area tore of walls of the smaller buildings and left massive holes in them. "It looks like a war happened here " Rita said to herself. The device pinged again this time louder she knew she was getting close.

Rita rushed and saw the anti entropy member Einstein. Rita readied her scythe and called out "Madam are you friendly." The woman smiled "Only if your intentions are peaceful." Rita smiled as well and said "Well then madam Einstein, why are you here" einstein shook her head "Same as you to find the reason the building-" Rita's device suddenly pinged louder and constantly. "Madam Einstein hide the signature is getting close."

Rita and Einstein hid around a corner waiting for the signature to turn the corner. The shadow came closer as Rita readied her scythe and saw a boy turn the corner and collapse.  Rita went up close and saw that he was the source of the signatures Rita said to einstein"This Boy need medical attention." Einstein then said "IF I were to take him the schicksal will destroy our outpost. You take him and stay safe. I will return to my outpost and inform the others." Rita picked up the boy and said "What should I do now?" Einstein said "Take him to the overseer, He'll be to busy to check on him so he'll send to you look after him at st freya." Rita looked at the boys face and smiled "I'll keep you safe."

Rita headed back to the outskirts of the city and called for the pilot "Pilot." Said Rita "I need a pickup, and prepare for a passenger." The Pilot said with optimism "Understood I'm on my way." Rita sat the boy on a bench and said to herself "From the looks of things he may be in his 20s." The pilot appeared and helped rita carry the boy in as she took a seat next to him The pilot said "Rita, is the boy the source?" Rita smiled "Yes, but the signature seems to have died down." The pilot the started the ships engine and took off. "Understood Rita, lets head back to HQ."

Rita was watching the boy, making sure that he wouldn't hurt anyone once he woke up, if he woke up. The boy groaned and rita readied herself. The boy then opened his eyes to see rita standing in front of him. "Ugh, what happened, where am I, Who are you?" Rita smiled and said "Nice to meet you young boy, I am Rita." The boy then said "Rita huh, A nice name for a nice woman. I'm Alex, I am a sort of Agent but I have completed my mission and now I am am free" Rita then said "Nice to meet you Alex. My boss wants to talk to you he wants to know why the building was destroyed." Alex Smiled "Understandable, I'll tell him everything I kno-OWW" He yelled in pain. "Ah, a stray piece of rubble must of cut my stomach." Rita then said with a concerned look "Do you want me to take a look?" Alex was wincing but said "Yea-gaah. Please do, I don't have any medical tr-aaah-ining." Rita smiled "I'll take a quick look then." Rita lifted up his shirt to see three massive cuts on his chest, she felt bad for him. Rita went into the cockpit and grabbed some medical supplies, When she got back she told Alex to take his shirt off. "Alex I am just going to rub some disinfectant on your wounds." Alex nodded and she dabbed a cotton bud with the disinfectant on the edge of each of the wound. Alex winced on the initial dabs but after that he was calm. Rita smiled and said "Relax Alex. After this I'll bandage your chest and take you to the overseer once we land." Alex shot a weak smile "Ok thank you for helping me." Rita smiled as the ship went over the HQ. 

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