He grunted, but wrapped an arm around me in return. “Good to see you too, Love, but my ribs are still a bit tender, so…”

I shifted so that my weight was taken off of him, but still held onto his neck.

Jerk! You made me cry!” I whined, pulling back and glaring at him.

His eye softened and he pulled me a bit closer.

“I’m sorry, Whisper. I didn’t realize what I had gotten into until it was too late. I don’t know what he is, but he makes my Sharingan look like child’s play,” he said gently.

I shook my head, “You’re forgiven, but only because you’re hurt, baka.”

“…Thanks?” He chuckled softly, winced, and lay back against the couch.

I curled up against him carefully, but… I looked down at my clothes. “Aki…” I moaned, covering my eyes.

Strawberry juice,” she stated firmly, quickly removing the stains on both me and Kakashi with her weird jutsu.

Shane looked at me confused. “What? That was strawberry juice?”

Akina gave him the ‘look’.

Oh, right! I mean, of course it was!” he said brightly.

“You’re an idiot sometimes, little bro,” Gerilynn told him, shaking her head tiredly.

“Um… Shouldn’t someone go report to the Hokage?” I asked quietly.

Don’t pick me, don’t pick me, don’t pi-

Gia looked up at me knowingly… but apologetically.

“Whisper, I’m sorry, but you have the least fatigue to deal with,” he pointed out, glancing over at Athena.

“I’ll accompany her, if you wish. My body is made for magic like that; I am not nearly as tired as the rest of you,” she offered. “And I can help you speak to her through the mind link.”

“Fine,” he nodded. “One thing first. Kakashi, I’m sorry to bother you, but what exactly did he want?”

“He wanted me to work for him and to give him information on you three and the Leaf,” Kakashi informed tiredly, his eyes remaining closed.

“Make sure that’s noted, Whisper,” Gia told me. “Have fun.”

I pushed up of the couch unhappily, “Oh gee, thanks.” I trudged out the door, Athena right behind me, as I made my way down the path. “If the Hokage tries to kill me, you’ll save me, right?” I asked her grumpily.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now