My mother held Jake's hand in one of her's then held mine in the other. 

"The final decision, however, is up to you two." 

Soph walked up and stood beside be.

"I think it's a great idea." Soph started. 

I know what my decision is. 

Mom, in the past two years I've never seen you as happy as you are when you're beside Jake. That goes for you too," I motioned to Jake. 

"I say, let's have this wedding!" 

Cheers filled the room, my mother pushing both me and Soph in a tight hug.

"Thank you so much, Rose." My mother whispered in my ear before placing a kiss on my cheek. 

"I meant what I said," I whispered back. 

"Alright, now that step one is done, on to step two," Jake stated. 

"What's step two?" Both me and Soph asked at the same time. 

"Alpha's permission."

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"You also need the Alpha's blessing to get married."

"Iv'e never heard of that before."

"Well, it's only for non-mates. If you want to commit to someone who is not your mate, the Alpha must know and approve."

"Makes sense," Soph replies.

"That won't be problem, right?" My mother asked very concerned.

My mother didn't exactly know the whole story about Hunter and I, but she did sense the tension between us.

But for my mother's happiness, I reply, "Of course not. So what's the plan?"

"Well, I'll try getting some time with the Alpha tonight to explain things, you know what, I call right now." Jake excused him self, leaving just my mother, Soph and I.

 "Hey, I know how there's a lot going on with you and Alpha Hunter, you can talk to me about it if you want." 

I know that anything I'd say to my mother concerning me and Hunter's 'relation-ship' would only add to her stress, I reply, "No, no, I'm good. I can't believe you're getting married again! You need to pick out a dress, and a cake.." 

My mothers expression changed into one of true bliss. 

Her and Soph started talking about themes, cake flavors and dates.

It was nice to see them so happy and excited. 

Looking over towards the hall, Jake was laughing into the phone. 

Jake's a good guy. He's perfect for my mom. If there's two people who deserve happiness, it's them. 

Jake hung up, and started walking towards us. 

"Good news! The Alpha wishes us the best, and also invited us to dinner! At eight at his home." Both Soph and my mother squealed. 

Ignoring the anxiety starting in the pit of my stomach, I smiled along with them.

"So you girls go get ready, we can stop my the market and pick out a dessert." Before I could even add my input, every one in the room dispersed. 

*        *        *

"Hey, you're gonna be okay tonight, right?" Soph stood by my bedroom door dressed in a formal black and white dress. 

"Hey aren't you a little too fancy?" And here I was, about to leave in jeans, a top and a pretty scarf. 

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