"No, sorry." He muttered, it had been decided between himself, Chrissie and Seb that her phone was to stay at the hotel and that Seb would give her all the answers she wanted - when she agreed to see him. No one wanted her to go looking online at the stories that had been published, they didn't want her to get upset and there things out there for public consumption that they didn't think she was ready to find out about. "We just thought it best to......"

"It's my memory that's fucked, not my brain. I can still decided what's best for me you know." She snapped angrily. "I'm sick of not knowing, I want answers."

"There's a man outside this room who loves you to pieces and can give you answers but you won't even see him!" David snapped back.

"So what you're saying is that no one will tell me anything unless I see Sebastian?" She huffed, wincing as she folded her arms across her chest.

"What I'm saying is that Seb wants to be the one to talk to you, he was there when it happened."

"I feel like I'm being blackmailed into seeing him."

"You're not being blackmailed." David paused and massaged his temples, he knew he needed to try to keep calm, snapping at each other wasn't going to get them anywhere and he had to remember his daughter's blood pressure and condition. "He just wants to protect you."

"I'm stuck in a bloody hospital how much more protected can I get?" She muttered angrily.

"He doesn't want you reading the stories that are in the press, he wants to be the one who tells you whatever you want to hear so that you get the truth."

"I'm in the press?" Her mouth fell open.

"Oh shit." David shook his head, now he'd let that slip she'd be wanting her phone even more. "You're Sebastian Vettel's wife, yes you've made the press." He added, hoping that that brief explanation would be enough.

"Oh so everyone else knows what's been going on that lead to me being shot and I'm the only one who doesn't?" She rose her voice, this was getting beyond frustrating and her patience had reached it's limit.

"Chloe, we're just trying to protect you, we don't want you getting stressed. You've got amnesia, you're pregnant, you're recovering from a gunshot wound and your blood pressure is too high. Please just understand what we're doing. If you want answers, speak to your husband. He can...."

"Don't call him that!" She yelled. "I don't even know the man!"

"What's going on?" Chrissie walked back in, shutting the door behind her. "We can hear the pair of you out there and you're making Seb worried."

"Oh, nothing's going on, only that I'm in the press and every bugger else knows what happened to lead to me being stuck in here and I'm the only poor bastard that doesn't and don't even mention Sebastian fucking Vettel!" She hissed holding her arm up over her eyes as she began to feel upset again. "I'm so sick of fucking crying and I'm sick of being stuck in this fucking room!"

"David, why don't you nip and keep Seb company for a while, now his parents have gone...."

"His parents are here? Oh great...just let a load more people I don't fucking know turn up!"

"Chloe, mind you language! I know you're feeling angry right now but please, try to calm down." Chrissie sat down in David's vacated chair as he left the room to go and try to stop Seb from worrying.

"Of course I'm angry. I feel like I've woken up to find my life is drastically different from when I went to sleep. I've got a husband that I don't know and don't remember marrying and a baby growing inside me for which I don't even remember being present for it's conception. I've been shot and no one will tell me who did it or how it actually happened but most of the world know all about it and it turns out I've got amnesia and I've apparently forgotten the last year. So yes, I'm angry!" She started to cry. "I'm angry and confused and I'm actually bloody frightened because I don't know why my brain is doing this to me and I feel like the worlds worst person for forgetting my own husband and that I was pregnant!"

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