☂ Chapter Nine ☂

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Before you read any further I just want to say, I'm so overwhelmed at the feedback, so if you have shown any support on this story, Thankyou so much!

It's not a long chapter but I hope you enjoy it :)

Meghan’s P.O.V



My eyes snapped open to a sudden loud banging, between Jace’s room and Cole’s. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, arching my back from against Jason’s cot; I clapped a hand to my mouth stifling in a yawn. I took in the sight; little toys scattered across the blue carpet, rattles, books, clothes, and my god there was a horrible stench floating above me.

I yawned again, my eyelids fully fluttering open to bright sunbeams peeping in through the gaps in the curtain. I extended my arms above my head, stretching as I yawned again. It wasn’t until I looked down at myself I realised Cole’s duvet was draped loosely around me. I smiled too myself, a warm fluttery feeling in my stomach. I knew he still cared about me even though he denied it. He wasn’t as bad as he made himself seem, some of my Cole, the Cole I’d fallen in love with was still there whether he wanted to accept it or not.


I stared at the wall in disbelief, and pushed myself upright. I gripped Jace’s cot, checking up on him before I decided to do anything else. I thought about going to investigate where the sound was coming from but I didn’t want to be hurt, I was afraid of seeing him with another girl. I’d seen it before but every time it managed to have the same impact on me; it shattered my already broken heart even further. Seeing the guy you love in bed with a girl wasn’t anything a girl should ever have to see.

I bit my lip, jumping slightly from one foot to another. Jace was fast asleep, and the thumping was bound to wake him up if it didn’t stop. I didn’t know how to handle babies, I didn’t even know how to properly hold them, and if Jason woke up I wouldn’t be able to put him back to sleep. God, I was hopeless.

My eyes scanned the room and in the process I found my eyes lock with the circular timepiece on the wall, it was only half past three in the morning. I still had three hours before I normally got up. What the hell was going on?



The sound bounced off the walls in the silent room. Jace stirred, his tiny face screwing up, I held my breath but to my luck he fell back asleep. The anxiety was eating me alive; Cole was already responsible for my heartbreak there wasn’t anything I hadn’t seen. I had to know what the hell he was doing at this time. I rubbed my chilly arms in attempt to warm them up as Goosebumps popped up all over my bare arms. I made my way shakily to his bedroom and stood outside his door, swallowing down the lump forming in my throat and as I opened the door handle; nothing could’ve prepared me for the sight I was about to witness.

Cole lay in his bed, his white sheets entangled around his arms and legs. He was murmuring something so quiet I couldn’t understand and his face, my god the image of his face in so much pain wasn’t one I’d be able to forget. So much desperation, I’d never seen anybody look so tormented in their sleep, his handsome face screwed up in pain, his eyes squeezed shut, his lips pressed together as he though he was trying to keep in something. His brown hair drenched in sweat, as it clung to him, beads of sweat running down his face. He was rolling around, thrashing his arms and legs, trying to free himself of god knows what.

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