Chapter 29: Tell Her

Start from the beginning

I grabbed her hands and pulled her closer to me. She tried to kick me, but I sandwiched both of her feet between my legs.

"It's too fucking early for this," Normani complained grumpily as she struggled against me.

"That's one dollar for the swear jar!" I said mischievously, holding her firm, "Admit you snore, and I'll let you go back to sleep."

"No!" she said stubbornly, pushing against my chest.

But I was stronger. I rolled over, pinning her body underneath me and gripping her wrists firmly above her head. "Admit it, and I'll let you go!"

"No..." Normani said in a softer voice. I watched her eyes flick to my lips.

Suddenly, I realized how close we'd gotten during our wrestling match. Our lips mere centimeters apart. Our cores pressed. Our chests brushing, rising and falling together, hearts pounding in sync.

Blushing deeply, I made a move to get off, but that just resulted in my thigh grinding firmly against her core. She gasped faintly at the unexpected touch. I had the overwhelming urge to repeat the movement of my thigh, this time on purpose to elicit a moan. I had the overwhelming urge to kiss her parted lips, swallow her gasps, and have my lips memorize every inch of her naked skin. I had the overwhelming urge to make love to physically show her how madly in love I was with her beautiful being.

But before I could make a move, the doorbell rang. Trying to hang on to the moment, I ignored the doorbell and impulsively whispered, "Mani...I have something to tell yo-"

"Mommy! There's a stranger at the door!" my daughter yelled from downstairs.

Mentally cussing at my kid, I reluctantly got off my dance partner and made my way downstairs. "Ry, how many times have I told you not to open the door for strangers?"

"He's not here to kidnap me. I checked!" my daughter said, sounding pleased with herself. But I wasn't listening, I was staring at the familiar looking stranger.

"Sean!?" Normani shouted in surprised excitement behind me. She rushed past me down the stairs and ran into his arms.

As I watched Normani jump on her fiancé and kiss him, my insides disappeared. My heart shattered into pieces as reality hit. She could never be mine...

"What're you doing here!? I didn't expect you till the showcase!" Normani said after she was done non-verbally greeting him.

"Surprise! I came a few weeks early since you said you missed me. Took off work and everything," Sean said.

"Really...? For me...?" Normani asked in a soft whisper, looking at him lovingly, " have no idea how much that means..." She kissed him passionately again, and unable to bear it, I looked away.

"Is this the man you said you're going to marry, Normami?" Ryder asked.

Normani broke off the kiss with a laugh and said, "Yes, Ry. Meet Sean. And Sean, meet Ryder and Dinah."

"I'm so sorry, Dinah. Normani and I got so caught up that I didn't even introduce myself," Sean said apologetically, offering me his hand, "It's nice to finally meet you in person."

"Y-yeah. Nice to meet you too," I lied, shaking his hand.

I was less than thrilled at the arrival of Normani's fiancé, but nevertheless, when he talked about staying in a hotel, I refused to hear of it and busied myself in setting up the guesthouse in the backyard. At least, that way, Normani would be near me for a bit longer.

"You sure Sean can stay here?" Normani asked, helping me set up the guesthouse as Sean went to get his luggage.

"Of course! He's your fiancé! He's like family," I said with as much fake enthusiasm as I could muster.

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