Blast from the Past

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Dear Journal,

She knows what I am, how am I suppose to face her. Luckly I know she will kill me unless I kill her first. I can't.

When I arrived back to my apartment, someone else was inside. Not human, but familiar.


"Hello Angelus. I see you live with the humans. Like the humans, but you still aren't one." Darla stated while opening the fridge, which was filled with animal blood. "I'm not human, but I'm not one of you either." "Is that really what you go around telling yourself?"

At that point, I was mad. Darla hasn't seen me for over a 100 years and the last time she saw me she wasn't interested in me anymore, now she wants me to go crawling back to her. Right.


100 years ago, Darla and I were the most vicious vampires on Earth. We killed who we wanted to, we fed when we wanted too and mostly, we were together and we planned to be together forever. But there was a little kink in out plan. I killed a wrong girl. This girl was in a gypsy clan and they conjured the perfect punishment. They returned me my soul back.

You see when a human is turned the demons gets them, but they don't get the soul since the soul is already gone. Vampires react on instinct and hunger and well when you have a soul and you feel every bad thing you have done, it tends to make you just a little bit gulity and crazy. Since I was both plus I felt to much guilt to kill humans, Darla left me for the world. From that day on I was living off the street and feeding off rats, staying away from humans until my lucky day when a demon/human paid me a visit it changed my life.

The demon's name was Whisler. He was a demon helping the good side and he was sent by the "Powers To Be" which if I was clear, was connected to the Orcales. So the Powers To Be sent Whisler to take me to meet a girl. A girl that would change my whole perspective on life. Some of you might know her by the name of Buffy, but to demons, vampires and others; we call her the Slayer. (Technically when I first saw her, she was the new Chosen One)

From that point on I changed. I devoted myself to become strong and help her fight one day. And guess what? The day has already arrvied, but I don't think it will be lasting long though.

~ Angel

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