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(Skipping a head a few months)

Minx pov

I felt like I had slept for ages as I let my body wake up and I blinked a few times to an empty room. I let out a groan as machines around me started to go off all at once of course scaring me so I placed my hands over my ears letting out a small scream.
"Shhh.shhh child its ok" a womans voice soothed me as she came into the room and held me to calm me down.
"Who? Oh Gemma I didn't realize it was you" I said as she helped the nurses get the machines to stop
"Its ok baby girl. Let's get you set up here and let everyone know you woke up ok?" She was crying but I couldn't figure out why.
"What's wrong Gemma? Did something happen? Why are you crying over me?" I asked looking down and assessing my body. That's when I noticed it, my stomach had grown so much I could barely see over it.
"Storm? Is he?" I had to know if he was going to hurt me again or my kids
"No baby girl we took care of him." She kissed my cheek like any mother who cared about her daughter would.

I laid back down and waited for the doctor to come in, Gemma went to find me some food and call the club but before she did I told her I only wanted Opie and my kids. I was already feeling overwhelmed just by her being here and hovering over me. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what had happened.


Storm stood over me with his fist and punched me in the face making my jaw crack and blood spewed all over him.
"I will fucking break you cunt! Even if I die trying." He laughed as he kicked me backwards and I blacked out.

****end flashback***

I woke up screaming and Opie immediately took a hold of me and held me.
"Its ok beautiful. You must have fallen asleep again. Doc came in and wanted to talk to you." Opie leaned me against him and I didn't resist at all. I needed him to never leave me.
"I...I cant do this. This baby ....i...."
Opie sighed and shook his head
"The doctor said the baby is the strongest hes ever seen. With what you just went through, Minx most adults dont survive." He looked so serious and I jumped when I felt kicking.
"You ok?" Opie asked raising his eye
"Yeah just um..I was being kicked."
Dear lord I couldnt even say the baby kicked me. This thing inside me...it was pure evil. The seed it came from it would turn out just like the devil that hurt me.

I got lost in thought of adoption as I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" opie said and I snapped out of my thoughts.
It was the doctor with a female nurse.
"Well it's good to see you finally awake."
"How long was I out for?" I asked
"7 months. I've come to check you and the babies out."
"BABIES??" I asked in complete shock. My heart stopped beating and I felt sick.. fuck this I couldnt do this.
"What are my options if I dont ....um want them?" I asked quietly
Everyone went silent and the look on the doctors face was void but I got the feeling he could understand.
"You are not giving them up!" Opie demanded
"Excuse me?" I squealed in anger
"I said you arent giving them up. I'm their father. Not him. Hes dead Minx. Please let me help you raise them."
"Um I think I'll let you two talk alone. Call me when you are ready. "

The doc left and I was so angry at Opie that I practically shoved him off the hospital bed.
"Hey hey hey. Minx calm down. I'm so sorry. Look I know you think they are evil but they arent. How can you say that when your other two beautiful kids are pure innocent and nothing like him. It's how you parent not who you came from."

"You dont know anything about Mason or Nova." I snapped at him
"I know a lot about them. They look just like you as nd they act nothing like him."
"Yeah I know. There is a reason for that." I was becoming so cold towards him now and he picked up on it.
"Minx?????" He drew out a long sigh
"What the hell are you hiding from me?" He moved away from me
"Please opie not now."
"No damn it. You love Mason and Nova but ....you want nothing to do with the twins.... why? You .... ohhh fuck." He gave me the look of he understood.

"5 years ago almost 6 now he gave me to a man after we moved to Denver. That man is the father. I never told Storm because he would kill Mason. He always wanted kids."
"And....Nova?" Opie asked in hesitation
"She is the daughter of a very rich man I was sold to for 6 months." I bowed my head in shame. I really was a dirty whore no one wanted. Storm made sure of that.

"You were what????" Opie tried to hide the tears but it was too much for him. He got up, looked at me and left the room. I burst into tears and Jax and Tara came rushing in.
"Minx what happened? Opie just rushed out of here. he looked really mad."

"Jax please go after him. I told him something that I never should have. Please hes going to hurt himself." I begged with tears streaming down my face.
Tara took my hand as she nodded to Jax that she was letting him go.
"I'll bring him back darlin."

It was silent for a few seconds before Tara turned to me and pressed her lips together.
"Look Minx I need to apologize to you. I haven't been the best to you. You came home and I ripped your head off like it was your fault. It was never your fault for going through what you did. Can you please forgive me?" She asked
"I never hated you Tara. I just always felt close to Jax like he was my brother and didn't want to see him hurt."
The look on her face let me know there was something being hidden from me. But I couldnt find out yet because the doctor came back in.

"The tests came back Mrs......"
"Winston" I filled him in and Tara looked shocked
"Mrs. Winston we were told to do a DNA test on the babies by your mother. And I have the results."
My mother? Is that what Gemma told him she was to get it done? Smart woman.
"And?" I asked
"The babies are not Mr. Hales"
My stomach hit the floor and I was pale with the news. None of the kids were ever his? How in the world did I get so fucking lucky?
"Also in about a week we will schedule a c-section for the twins due to the trauma they have been through we dont think it would be wise for a natural birth."
I agreed and he left the room.
"I need to be alone right now Tara. Can you tell everyone to come back later?" I asked her nicely
"I dont think you should be alone babe. Sure you dont want to talk to me about this news you just got?" She asked. I liked her but I knew she would blab to Gemma and I didn't need that.
"Nah I dont need anyone right now." I shrugged her off.

Opie POV
I was sitting in mine and jax's favorite spot to think when I heard a bike come roaring up behind me but didn't bother looking behind me. I knew it was my brother Jax.
"Yo. You ok? I see Minx is awake." He asked slapping my back
"Fuck man. If he wasn't dead already I would rip his heart out. What he did to her......"
"What are you talking about?" Jax asked me
"Nova and Mason weren't Storms kids. Mason is the son of some guy who raped her and Nova is the daughter of a rich man from Denver who Storm sold her to."
"What? What the actual fuck? And the twins?"
As if on cue his phone rang and it was Tara.
"Hey darlin. Found Opie....woah...wish woah calm down babe what's going on?" The panic in her voice made me go on edge as well.
"Gemma forced the doctor to do a DNA test. The twins aren't Storm's either. Now she kicked me out of the room and doesn't want anyone to come in. I'm worried Jax!"
"Fuck. Ok well go to the club we will meet you there."
Jax hung up and I tensed up. Is this shit ever going to end? I lit a cigarette up and handed the pack to Jax.
"More shit?" I asked
"Yeah. The twins arent Storm's." He said in a heavy voice
"Wait..what? Isnt that good news?"
"No. Its probably the reason he ended up taking her. He probably found out and wanted to hurt her for it." It all made sense now though.

We headed back to the club house and just about everyone was there except for my babe who was trying to keep people away from herself. She was putting up a wall and although I knew it was for her protection it hurt me knowing she was alone. Nova came running up to me and I picked her up into my arms. I hugged her tightly, it was as close to her mom I could get for now.

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