cafe buddy - pjm

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it was december first. twelve in the morning, euphoria was working as a waitress in a small cafe in seoul.

"hello welcome to tree falls cafe! would would you–

" i'd like the secret menu ! make it quick because i have to leave as soon as possible ! " the old lady snapped

"s-sorry, we do not have a secret menu..."

"what the fuck do you mean you don't! on your website it says you have a secret menu for a limited time !" she spat

"but i-i'ts not true–

" shut up ! the customer is always right ! can you bring me the barista ?  i don't have time for this shit... "

" of course ma'am. " i said

"jiminnn ! " I whispered to him.

" what... oh hey ria ! how are you ? " jimin grinned

" terrible... " i pout. " this sassy old lady is trying to order a 'secret menu' which we don't have !! "

" we have a secret menu ?? "

" apparently... i don't know what to say to that old ha–

" excuse me ? i swear to god if you two don't come this instant... " she yelled across the room

"jimin. hurry just uhh come ! "

me and jimin rush to the old lady.

" ah.. what a handsome man are you.. "
she smirked.

jimin blushed nervously. " t-thank you ? "

the old lady stood up to shake the man's hand

" my name is choi chanmi, nice to meet you " she smiled proudly.

" do you have a girlfriend... don't tell me it's that filthy black girl..."

" uh- no ma'am. "

" filthy ? " euphoria thought to herself. " how dare she ... "

"wonderful ! i got a beautiful granddaughter at home. nice, skinny pale.. wonderful personality... amazing cooking skills–

" i .. erm. why did you summon me here ? " jimin stuttered

" ah. yes, is it actually true you have a secret menu ? because this woman is obviously lying to me about that this cafe doesn't "

" ma'am, this woman is correct. we actually don't have a secret menu. " he replied

" that's ridiculous ! " she bellowed.

" it fucking says in the website ! let me show you. " chanmi pulled out her phone, typed in the shops URL.

" look !! it says here !! " she said as she puts her cracked samsung galaxy 3 at our faces.

" holy mother of jisoo.. " jimin whispered, he looked like he had the urge to puke

" ma'am, that's an interesting photo you have there... " I giggle then gag.

" what the hell do you mea– oH MY GOD "
she showed us a picture of herself naked.

" i-i am so sorry, i should leave. " as she rushed out of the cafe.

" that's hot " jimin mumbled

" jimin what the fuck "

(a/n : idk what i was thinking when I wrote this)

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