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Felix opened the front door with a wide smile and gave his best friend a big hug.

"I'm so happy to see you!"

He said and received a chuckle from the other male.

"We saw each other a few hours ago? And let me go please I wanna sit on your comfy couch"

The other said and Felix nodded, letting go and closing the front door after the other male went straight to the living room to sit on the couch.


Felix said while he followed the younger to the living room, a tiny smirk forming on his lips.

"What haPpEnEd?¿"

He said with a rare tone in his voice. Jeongin, the other boy in the room, looked down at his lap as his cheeks flushed.

"We kissed.."

Felix squealed and jumped on the couch next to his best friend.

"When I left?" Felix asked.

"Yes, and- he gave me his number.." Jeongin responded.

Jeongin pouted slightly, earning a frown from the younger. Felix studied the other's face and hummed softly.

"Then why the pout?"

Jeongin sighed softly and looked at Felix, the flush in his cheeks slowly going away.

"He said that he would call or text me in an hour but it's been 3 hou-" Jeongin got interrupted by a unfamiliar sound to Felix, but a familiar sound to him.

He grabbed his phone and gasped softly, pretending to be shot dead and letting his head rest on the pillow with red cheeks and a small smile forming on his lips.

Felix giggled lightly at his best friend's action and grabbed the other's phone. Reading out the notification.

"'Hey'" Felix said.

Jeongin grabbed his phone from Felix' hand and unlocked it, getting interrupted by the olders tiny hand.

"You can't just reply immediately, you gotta wait a few minutes" Felix said half serious half joking, earning a small nod and a chuckle from Jeongin.


6 minutes passed away and Jeongin unlocked his phone again, now opening the message he just got.


"What the fuck do I say?" Jeongin asked while staring at the screen.

"Say 'Hi'" Felix responded simply.



I'm sorry for earlier, my friend wanted me to help him with some tasks for the team

It's cool! How are you?

I'm good cutie, how are you?

I'm alright

Cool, so I wanted to ask you something, you don't have to agree tho

What is it?

"I'm scared why does it look like he's gonna ask me to kill someone-" Jeongin said frowning slightly.

Felix sighed and shook his head, chuckling softly and resting his head on the youngers shoulder. "He's not gonna do that"

So there's this small party Jackson is giving and I was wondering if you would like to come? You can bring one of your friends with you, since mine are coming too

"Who the fuck is this Jackson guy?" Jeongin asked, looking at Felix. Earning a small giggle from the older.

"It's Seungmin's older brother" Felix answered, getting a nod from the other male before looking back at his screen.

So are you coming?

I'll bring my friend Felix with me

"Since when?!" Felix gasped at Jeongin.

"Since now" Jeongin replied.

Blehh this one is long 🗿

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