First of all, thank you so much for reading this story. 1K reads! I really appreciate it and am so thankful. It means a lot XD
They entered the canteen and sat at their regular huge round table. Jungkook sat opposite of Yoongi. Taehyung sat on Yoongi's lap and wrap his arms around the latter, seeking comfort. Yoongi nose his baby's neck, calming him down. Yoongi gently caresses Taehyung face and leaves soft kisses on his face making Taehyung whimper.
Jimin walks in with the rest and saw Taehyung and knew something was wrong cause his best friend rarely behaves this way. Jimin sits on his favorite spot and pecks his lips, "Kookie, what happened?", Jungkook wraps his arms around Jimin waist.
Hoseok notices as well and sits between Jungkook and Yoongi. Yoongi looks up when he notices his boyfriend scent and pecks his lips. Hoseok asks, "What's wrong? Everything okay?"
Namjoon and Seokjin sat opposite of Hoseok. Jungkook waits for everyone to settle down before explaining what just happened. After his explanation, Seokjin sighs, "Are they ever going to stop?"
"Hyung, what you mean?" Jungkook probes,
"Hyung, this isn't the first time?" Hoseok adds,
"It happens before, but that time they were insulting both of them, mostly Jimin. Thankfully, Jennie and the girls shoo them away" Seokjin replies,
"Hyungie, they were insulting you as well" Jimin adds,
"I know but there's nothing we can do except hope they will stop"
Hoseok rubs Taehyung thighs. Taehyung feels and pulls away from Yoongi but not getting up from his lap. He reaches for Hoseok's hand and intertwines their fingers, Hoseok leans in and kisses Taehyung lips, "ignore their words baby. You are precious to us" he whispers. Taehyung eyes got glossy as he nods at what his alpha said and seek comfort. Hoseok leans in and scents Taehyung's left side of the neck with Yoongi on the right side. After a while, Taehyung calmed down and Hoseok pulls away but keeps his hand intertwines.
"Taetae, you okay?" Jimin asks worriedly,
"I'm okay, such treatment was expected since I'm in a relationship with 2 Alphas" Taehyung replies softly,
"No, it's not! Just because you are in a polyamorous relationship doesn't give those bitches the right to bully you"
"Do you love Yoongi Hyung and Hoseok Hyung? Do you?"
"I do"
"You think you are doing something wrong?"
"Then? What are you afraid of? Polyamorous relationships exist and they just have to accept it with the fact that we are gay"
Taehyung nodded slowly as he absorbs everything Jimin said and smiles in reply. They continued chitchatting for the rest of the lunch period.
~~Time Skip~~
After 1 week of torturing and breaking almost every bone in HuaMin's body, Ryder threw him outside of the hospital and left. Daehyun did not take any action against Yoongi and the rest as he knows what HuaMin did was legally and morally wrong.
Jimin was happily living with Jungkook in the latter's apartment, he still goes back to his apartment every now and then but spends most of his time in his Alpha's apartment. On the other hand, Seokjin and Taehyung didn't move in with their Alphas.
As usual, the group was chilling in Jungkook's apartment,
"let's order jajangmyeon" Taehyung suggested,
"jajangmyeon again.... Chicken!" Jungkook whines,
"Ya Kids! Stop arguing and let's vote" Seokjin interrupts,
"Honestly, I want jajangmyeon" Namjoon comments,
"Chicken" Yoongi votes,
"I don't mind both" Hoseok votes,
"I want~ Japchae, chicken, Kimchi stew, rice and jajangmyeon" Jimin giggles, making the rest laugh at his vote. Seokjin smiles and dials the number to place an order.
~~30Minutes later~~
While waiting for their order, they decided to play board games on the floor by removing the coffee table to make it more spacious. The doorbell rang and Jimin received it along with Seokjin. They bid the delivery-man goodbye and walk towards the living room. Taehyung and Jungkook cleared the floor, lay out newspapers for the food.
Namjoon and Hoseok boil water for cup noodles,
"Anyone wants ramen?"
"Me!" Jimin voice,
"Me too!" Jungkook continues,
"Me three!" Seokjin joins,
"Me fou-" Taehyung adds,
"Got it, everyone" Namjoon cut Taehyung and while Hoseok takes out cup noodles.
~~Time Skip~~
"That was delicious!" Taehyung exclaims,
"Yup, I'm full" Jimin agrees,
"Let's continue playing" Taehyung suggested,
They continued playing various board and card games, from UNO to BTS monopoly to Game of Life. They agreed that the one who is last will have to do punishment and the majority voted on...
After hours of playing, Jimin lost. The final ranking:
Seokjin and Jimin tied
However, Seokjin and Jimin played ✌️✋✊ and the latter lost.
PS: Lol, while writing the food part, I started carving so I end up making ramen 🤤🤣 Hehehe and sorry for the suspense 🤣🤣