An Ending

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In order to understand the beginning, an ending of an era has to occur. I tried to like you. But understanding you was too difficult. I understood why I was hit, I understood why I was scarred.

Or at least I thought there was a reason behind it. I believed that the problem had always been me, and I would only make the mistakes. Even when you kissed her, I still believed it was my fault. And that had been my chance to leave before the damage could be done. Before you left me with unbearable nightmares, and the never ending view of the lines on my legs.

I didn't deserve any of it. I didn't deserve being left to heal in silence. I didn't need the degrading words that made me resent my own appearance.I did not need to be forced to intimacy when I did not want it. You left me there broken, bleeding, and scarred. And it took me time to pick myself back up.

But now, time has past and these wounds still linger on. All I have to ask is why did you try hurting me and why did you break me? I knew from the start I did not love you yet why was I so gullible enough to continue with it? I was naive; I didn't believe that there was any evil in this world. Not until the day you forced the sheets into my face and had my arms behind my back. I confess I still haven't recovered and I still need time.

Others can forgive and forget but this will always linger on. This will always be there as a nightmare in my mind. I can't say I forgive you nor that I understand you. But I can say that I've moved on.

You regressed a women into becoming a little girl scared that the monsters will come and get her once she closes her eyes.

But once he came to clean up the mess, that little girl became a warrior.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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