~C H A P T E R.3~

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Tate's POV

"Hey, where were you all day?" Chad asked as I walked into the basement,

"Out." I said walking past him. 

"Wait Tate!" Chad said, running up to me. I turned to him.

"What do you want?" I said.

"For you to tell me what were you actually doing." He replied. 

"Nothing, god, leave me alone." I said, getting annoyed a little.

"I saw him with the new girl. The one who just moved in." Patrick chimed in.

"Oh, so, what happened to 'I will wait for Violet forever'." Chad said in a mocking voice. I turned around and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. 

"Don't ever make fun of me, or Violet, or the new girl." I said, my voice getting dangerously low.

"Or what? I'm already dead and life's hell living here." He replied. I let go of his collar, slightly pushing him. I made myself invisible, not wanting to talk to anyone after that.

(Y/N) POV 

"Hey, (Y/N), right? I'm Violet, heard you moved in." A girl around my age said.

"Yeah, that's right. Do you live around here?" I replied.

"Yup. Hey are you going to Westfield High?" She asked. I thought about it, did my mom ever enroll for school here?

"Um, I'm not sure." I answered. I felt a small blow of wind and saw the tiniest glint of silver pass Violet.

"Wow, did it randomly get cold here or is it just me?" She said with a small laugh. I laughed too, knowing the actual answer.

"I don't know. Wanna order a pizza? I'm pretty sure my mom left her credit card here for me." I ask.

"Sure." Violet answers and we both go downstairs. I grabbed the phone and called to the nearest pizza place. Violet was sitting down on the couch, waiting for me to finish the order. I ended the call when me and Violet both heard a yawn by the stairs. 

"Oh, crap, it's really late. Hey, (Y/N), who's this?" Peter said. He was wearing a oversized Pink Floyd T-shirt and some sweats. He had a pillow under his arm and his hair was also messy, like he just woke up. 

"I'm Violet, (Y/N)'s Friend." She answered.

"Peter, I'm her cousin. Spent the night here." He said, his eyes darting to me. I knew what happened. He ran over here but saw Violet and didn't want her to know about his super-speed, so he made it look like he spent the night. Shit I have to tell him Tate knows.

"Cool, so, not trying to offend you or anything, but do you dye your hair silver?" Violet asked him. I held in a laugh, and he glared at me. 

"Um, no, it's natural." He replied. (Don't hold up to this, I'm not 100% sure that's true)

"Woah." Violet replied.

"Hey Petey, we ordered pizza, and my mom's not here." I told him.

"Woo! Pizza for breakfast. Err... lunch?" He said, tilting his head. I rolled my eyes and smiled, and Violet laughed a little.

"Honestly, I would have thought you guys were siblings. You two get along so well." Violet told us. 

"If anything, when we went to the same school, she would tell people I'm her brother and I would say she's my sister. Even at family dinners and stuff like that." Peter replied, and I smiled at the memory. Peter sat across from me and Violet and we all ended up just talking and lauhging about everything. At one point, Peter was being super annoying so I grabbed his pillow and whacked him in the head with it. He reacted by grabbing the couch pillow and hitting me on the head with it.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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