"I love you, partner." He held my hand, closing his eyes.

"Hey, no. Stay awake. Scott! Please.."

"Detective, step back." I moved back, giving them room.

They worked on him for, I'm not even sure how long, before finally pronouncing him. By that time, officers had got to the scene, as well as intelligence. 


"Those are my detectives. Did anyone clear the area?"

"Yes, Sergeant. The shooter is in the wind."

"Hey, Ana." Hank lowly said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Tell me what happened." I stayed silent. I watched as they zipped up the black bag, putting my partner in the van.

"Anastasia, I know this hard but I need you to tell me what happened." 

"Ana.." Al whispered.

"We were standing outside. The um..the line was out the door. It was only about 3 minutes before- or maybe it was, no, it was about 4 minutes standing there before...before.."

"Did you see the shooter?" Hank asked.

"He was- he was on that roof. Once Nolan went down, I- I looked around before I noticed him. I pulled Nolan behind a car and we exchanged some gunfire before the shooter fled." My eyes stayed on the van as it drove down the road.

"Get her out of here." Hank said to Al.



"I can do this."

"No. You can't. Go home, shower and try to get some rest, we'll get your statement tomorrow. Go."

"I can work this case, just-"

"No! As of this moment, you're on leave."

"What? You can't-"

"I can and I just did." He said then walked away.


I stood in the bathroom, staring at my blood stained hands. I grabbed the soap, putting my hands under the hot water and scrubbing them. Ashton knocked on the door, slightly cracking it open.

"Hey, sweetie. I just wanted to tell you that they're gonna use your clothes as evidence so you can put them in the bag that's right outside the door."

"Yeah, thanks." He shut the door.

I asked him to take me to the district. There was no way that I was going to sit around, waiting to give my statement when I can be hunting the son of a bitch down. 

After a hot shower, I bagged the clothes I previously had on, changing into some new ones. My hands shook as I gripped the doorknob.

"I'm ready."

"Honey, are you sure about this? Maybe you should-"

"I don't need you telling me what to do. I am going, I don't give a damn what anyone says." He nodded, not saying a word.

We drove to the district, not uttering a word to each other. The closer we got, the more I could feel my heart beating against my chest. He parked, coming around to my side, helping me out.

I took a deep breath, following him up the steps and into the building. The images of Nolan seemed to hit harder in my mind. 

"Oh, no. Officers, please escort this detective out." Trudy said, pointing to the door.

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