The hidden man turned towards Ciara and shot her in the arm while I shot him in the chest causing him to fall.I shot him once more in the head and went towards a bleeding Ciara. She was starting to pale by the second.

"Ciara?... Ciara!" I heard Shay call from behind.

" Shay! They took down... Half the.... Crewww" she said her words starting to slur.

"Who! Who did this! Stay with me!" Shay said in tears.

Ciara stopped speaking and her eyes fell.

" No! Nooooo!!! Trey get her and come on!" Shay said tears streaming down her face. With no word being exchanged I grabbed her and put her I the back seat of the car while Shay drove to the nearest hospital.

We pulled up and got out in a hurry . As we ran inside we got stares from many people.

" Help! My friend just got shot! " Shay yelled as we both ran to the front desk.

"  You must sign in fir-"  shay cut her off

" BITCH IF YOU DONT GET THIS FUCKING CLIPBOARD OUT MY FACE" Shay said full of anger slapping the clipboard out the attendants hands.

I have never seen this side of Shay... But it kinda turns me on.. Is that bad at this moment?

" I'll take her " said a male doctor who quickly put her on the bed and had nurses take her into a room down the hall. Shay started to run after but got blocked by the assistant lady

" I'm sorry but you cannot go back there" she said. But Shay wasn't hearing that.

"  Lady I swear if you don't move ... On my momma I will hurt you!" Shay yelled with tears still streaming down her face. She pushed the lady away and ran towards the doctors.


After 20 minutes of struggling, it took me, 3 security guards, and 2 nice bystanders to get Shay to call down. She took out her phone and dialed Shanice's number.

" Shanice Ciara got shot!" She yelled and stared crying again.

" ok" and with that she hung up and snuggled into my chest. I put my arm around her waist and drifted off to sleep.

Seth POV

I ran hand in hand into the hospital with Shanice who was crying her eyes out. We walked in and found Shay and Trey asleep on the chairs. Well only Trey. Because as soon as we walked in Shay and Shanice ran and hugged like there was no tomorrow. I looked at my watch and saw it 8: 49. A doctor came out and he did not look pleased.

"Family of Ciara Watson?"  He asked.

The twins quickly jumped up." That's us" they said in unison.

"Can you come with me please" he asked. They walked with the doctor forgetting about me and Trey. I hit him in the chest and he quickly woke up and got the sleep out his eyes.

"Cmon " I told him. He followed me as I followed the girls that led to a room with Ciara sleeping peacefully.

The doctor closed the door and got straight to business.

" The good news is that we were able to remove the bullet without a problem. The bad news is that she lost a terrible amount of blood and she will be in a 2 years worth of a coma if no one can help replace the blood lost." The doctor said.

"What type of blood does she have?" Shanice asked.

" Sadly she has a very rare blood type., she needs negative O . is anyone here negative O?" The doctor asked.

Trey raised his hand slowly.

"  would you like to donate 4 pints of blood to the victim?" The doctor asked. Shay was on the edge of her seat.

"Sure" he simply stated.

Shay got up and gave Trey a big ass bear hug and the longest kiss ever. Had drool and shit every where."get a room!" Shanice said.

The doctor cleared his throat and they finally stopped. " We must act fast if we don't want her in a colma." The doctor said. Trey whispered something in her ear and walked with the doctor. She smiled and sat down.


   After another half hour later, trey came out with a big ass grin and a nurse holding him still.

" since they took all. that blood was drawn we had to give him the lupy medicine. Hell need a little help throughout the night."

We all laughed. Well looks like Shay will be watching him. I took Shanice to come chill with me for the night so Shay could watch Trey. Nigga falling over and shit..


Just a filler I gtg!


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