family's opinions (preference)

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what your family thinks of them*

since it's thanksgiving i figured this is fitting



They think he's a lot.

They don't dislike him, but they just think he talks too much and is too expressive. You can understand why they think that, but you always get offended when they say something about it.


They think he will leave you.

Of course you get SUPER offended by that, because there was no way he'd ever do that. He is the sweetest person ever. He just doesn't like to be too touchy around other people, and doesn't talk to your family much because he is so nervous. However, you told Jake that's what they think and he wanted to scream at your family. You stopped him, but he gets offended by it a lot.


They're unsure what to think.

They feel like he's a little but immature, but then they also think that he's just a loving goofball. There are also times when he's a little stoned and they can tell, which makes them think he makes bad decisions a lot. But you know that he's perfect for you and it doesn't matter what you're family thinks.


They adore him.

How can you not like Danny? He's just the sweetest, especially to your family because he doesn't want to be disliked. They always want him to come to family functions and get upset if he isn't there. It makes you so happy that everyone loves him.


yikes i just realized most of those are negative but who cares honestly

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