I made one mistake by following her word instead of asking Harry what happened because when he showed me what happened, I would not shut up because I was apologizing him like crazy. I sit next to Harry now. For lunch, for Music, for any class that we had together. We so spend a week at each others dorms like we did as kids. Now it was like as if we lived together because our clothes were at each others house and we would act like as if we were at home.

Anyways, today is Saturday and we are currently bowling with no Eleanor around. It was just going to be us boys. We were all having a fun time and when it was only Harry and I left. The boys were already putting bets on us Niall and Zayn were thinking that I was going to win, but Liam thought otherwise. He thought that since Harry has been the top guy so far, then he would definitely beat me.

I pretty much ignored them, and I knew that Harry was doing the same because we were smiling at one another and the two of us were not taking this as competition, but only for fun. Like as if we were still kids. We were in our own little world and we ignored all noises and voices from all around us.

However, when it came down to it, Harry did win and Liam was so happy. Zayn and Niall had to give Liam 20 dollars each before we let Harry pick a place for us to eat. He didn't want to make us miserable about our losses because he chose a place where he knew that all of us were going to love. He's happy about his win, but not the type to have his victorious win as a new way to brag about something.

My phone was shut off because I knew that Eleanor was trying to reach me and possibly rant about the fa c t that I've been hanging with Harry a lot more that hand I have been with her, but I'm not bothered because this is true. I have been hanging with my childhood best friend more than my girlfriend.

However, she has been hanging with guys as well. She would go to parties and not invite me with her. She would invite boys over without telling me of having me there with her. So she can kindly fuck off...

The next day...
Liam's father invited us to a BBQ party. I was sitting in Harry's living room at his dorm because he still needed to get ready. I was already dressed, something casual since I didn't really want to get any of my other clothes dirty. I just chose to wear a black t-shirt, tight black jeans, and my black Adidas shoes. I also had black shades since it was sunny today.

So far, it has been an hour and Harry was not ready yet. Sometimes I wonder what Harry does to get ready for something simple like school or for a walk to the park. I only took 45 minutes to get ready, so his current time is 1 hour and 45 minutes. I was extremely bored since there was nothing interesting on TV, and nothing interesting was going on in my feed that I really care for. Nobody has sent me a text and that just left me with nothing to do.

I was just looking at the ceiling to his laundry room and I started to make a drawing of the pavement on his ceiling with just my eyes because I was just that God damn bored. I can also tell you that I wanted to throw a party when I heard Harry's voice shout,"I'm ready!" I then heard fast movement down the stairs and he turned the corner to get to the living room. He chose to wear simple clothes too.

"If you were going to wear that, then what the hell took you so long?" I asked him and he chuckled. "Just because I'm wearing simple clothes, it doesn't mean that it took me a lot of time for me to get the clothes together, Prince." He said. Before we went to Liam's parents house.

"Harry, I would like for you to meet my father, Geoff. Dad, this my good friend, Harry." Liam told Harry and I watched the two of them interact and talk about things like what do they like, what do they hate, what Harry wants to do with his future which is no big surprise that he wants to be a singer. He has the voice and he grew the type of loyal ego that people would normally want a singer to have.

Liam's father also talked to me about my family and how they were doing. How was school treating me and how his son was doing...which lead to a bunch of teasing which were told like me. Harry was laughing whenever Liam became frantic to tell his father the actually truth. Then Niall and Zayn walked up to us with their dads.

"Well Harry, this is my dad, Bobby. Dadio, this is my good friend, Harry," Niall first introduced before Zayn went right after him. "This is my dad, Yaser. Old man, this is my newly made friend, Harry. He's new to the school and he's actually new here." Zayn told his father. "Alright, first lesson. Never ask for where to go from this one. One time, I asked him where the nearest café was and when he sent the directions, he actually sent me to his boyfriends house." Zayn's father told.

Since I knew that I was with Zayn that day, I started to laugh because the face that Zayn had was so hilarious. "I was chilling in Zayn's room, when I heard him on the phone and start to apologize to his dad like as if he missed his curfew or something. When he told me about the mishap, I knew that I was going to poke fun for the rest of his life," I said and Zayn whacked me upside the head, but that only made me laugh even harder.

Niall was on the floor, rolling. "Okay...don't ask Zayn for directions, got it and engraved it..." Harry said before he chuckled.

"So I heard about your boys project. How did you do?" Niall's father asked and Harry gleamed as he cheered, "A+! We did a damn good job. The teacher was dancing while we were singing and the students where on their feet, dancing as well." Harry told them and they all seemed like as if they knew that something like this was going to happen.

"The four of you should think of making a band. The talent can't go to rest boys. If you made a teacher dance to your music, then that is a sign," Liam's dad said. I looked at my friends and we just shrugged, "Maybe, but for right now, we are just going to focus on our majors and school," Niall told them and all of the dads understood.

We then continued to have some more fun and thank Liam's dad for the amazing food. Harry was spending the most time with the children and the sight was absolutely beautiful. He just looked so cute and I loved everything that was happening right before my eyes.

Is it okay to fall for your god brother?
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