𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐖𝐎 | The Promise

Start from the beginning

Oh God! The baby. My child.

What a fucked up mess I've made?!

After a few moments of serenity, I finally gain consciousness back and my mind was thinking rationally again. All the shit I've been pushing back, trying to ignore, flooded over me and pulled me under before the thought of her came invading me.

AND immediately clear of what I have to do.

God! I missed her so fucking much!? FUCK! What have I done? I need to talk to her. I have to go back home. I have to go back now, where she will be waiting for me.

Without wasting time, I retrieved my phone back from the backseat and turned it on while fastening the seatbelt before driving off. I took a few seconds to look through and...

'50 text messages and 22 missed calls? SHIT!? She's worrying sick about me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby.' I exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel once more because of my stupidity.


Upon arriving home, I pulled into the driveway and immediately walked past all the guards including Jared, making my way inside. I have no time to give anyone a stupid ass briefing about earlier.

Opening the front door, all the lights were turned off accept for the small table lamp which indicated that she was already asleep because it kinda annoyed her to keep them on after past midnight.

"Sahara?" I called from the hallway, announcing that I'm home and practically to make sure if she was really asleep or not.

No answer.

Yup! She's asleep alright. What the fuck am I kidding? It's 2.45 in the morning GODDAMN IT!?

Dropping my car keys and wallet on the table, I went straight past the living room to our bedroom.

SILENTLY, I cracked the door opened gently, careful not to draw too much attention but cursed at myself when it let out a small creak before taking a quick peek.

Right there, I saw the sleeping form of my wife on the bed. She wore a pastel pink nightdress, her wavy brown hair fanned underneath her head and she was sound asleep, turning on her side and enveloped by the warmth of silence.

And she was so GODDAMNED beautiful as she slept, that beating heart, those steady breaths, more than enough to make me fall in love with her all over again.

She seemed peaceful. I wanted nothing more than to curl up into the curve of her perfect body, kissing her and sniffing her hair until I fell asleep with her in my arms.

CAREFULLY, I climbed onto the bed without waking her up. I lowered my body next to her, on one elbow, reaching over for her face and stroking her cheek gently with my thumb. My hand slowly made its way down her body, from her face gliding to her arm and finally stopped at her belly.

Where my baby is, where OUR baby is.

I gazed down at her stomach and backed up to her face to make sure that she was still asleep. When the coast was clear, I shifted my eyes back to her belly, my hand rubbing protectively over it as the love began raising inside of me.

'Yes, this is my baby. That deserves to be loved, protected and cherished by both me and Sahara.'

Patting gently on her stomach, I whispered softly to the baby, "I'm sorry, little one. It's not that daddy doesn't want you. He just wanted to keep your mommy to himself for a while longer."

"You know what? When I first met your mom, she has got the guts to punch me right in my face though she's small and weak."

"That's what I thought in the first place." I corrected myself.

I laughed to myself once I recalled that and rubbed my temple with my thumb, "Your mom is one though woman, you should know that."

"Well...because I disrespected her. That's why." I shook my head at the thought. How could I be so cruel to an innocent girl like her at that moment?

"Anyway, she's been through a lot in life at a young age but..."

"She got through it all."

"Before we got married, she once lived only in a small cottage. A wooden cottage, small and old. Just her and her mother..."

"Jameela, her sister. She's practically a bitch like she used to say." I said, looking down to her belly.

'DAMN IT!? Did I just curse? Fuck! I should've known better. One thing for sure, I absolutely don't want the child to turn into an asshole like I am, cursing around for no good reason.'

I cleared my throat and faked a cough, "Sorry about that. I mean she lived just with her mother. Your grandma."

I closed my eyes and sighed, "I didn't even get the chance to meet her, to see what she looks like. She must be beautiful, beautiful like your mom. A brunette, big blue eyes, perfect brows, fair skin, sweet and tough at the same time."

I leaned back against the headboard and tucked a stray hair gently behind her ear, "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I love you, Sahara. You know that, right?"

"At first, you're no important to me but just an innocent Muslim girl that I've bumped into by an accident. But now..." I shook my head.

"I never imagined you could be the biggest part of my life. I know I've ruined you, Sahara. I've ruined you, I've hurt you and I'm sorry for that."

"I used to live alone before I knew you. I never cared about anyone in my entire life. But then things changed after you came into my life, you bring me joy and happiness. I wasn't afraid to love someone anymore. We have each other now."

"Today, I promise, I'm gonna be protecting you and our baby for as long as I live." I claimed, a droplet fell from my cheek without me noticing it.

"I gave you my word." I repeated, with the hope that I can fulfil that permanent promise I made to her.

"I love you and we're gonna make it, Sahara. You, me and the baby. We're gonna make it. I know we will." I chocked, leaning down to kiss her temple.

She's so beautiful. Both of them.

Climbing out of bed, I removed my jacket and the rest of my clothes off. From the chest of drawers, I pulled out my sweatpants and dragged them on. With a lingering look at the enticing woman in my bed, I ventured into the bathroom to wash myself.

As soon as I was done, I got out of the bathroom and laid down onto the mattress next to her, I wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her slowly to me so that our bodies would be pressed as closely together as possible.

With a swift kiss on her forehead, I draped the sheets over our bodies before drifting off to sleep as well with her in my arms again.

The best feeling ever.

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