Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 8

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It was silent…Too silent.

The twins faces were lit up red, Tamaki’s jaw hit the ground immediately while Honey’s eyes were being shielded by Mori.

But Kyouya’s expression was the most priceless.

His eyes were widened; his mouth agape and a definite cherry blush covered almost every inch of his cheeks. The sight was so completely startling that a soft giggle passed through my lips, causing Rika to look down at me in astonishment.

“It has been way too long since you’ve laughed, baby sis.” She said, trying to sound casual, but I could tell she was holding herself back from choking up.

I softly patted her shoulder before standing up and nodding to Kyouya who still wore a crimson mask, but finally lifted his jaw and coughed nervously.

“Well that was truly unexpected…Suzu is that true?” He asked.

I nodded softly watching him stand up from his chair and approach me. Out of the corner of my sight I watched Tamaki take a cautious step forward, looking not sure whether to say anything.

For once, the prince is speechless.

“I’m sorry I intervened in your personal life then. It was none of our business and I apologize.” He said grimly.

He stood in front of me and I couldn’t help but frown at his drastic change of mood. His face was shadowed by his bangs as he bowed his head, blush now gone. His tone was stiff and so cold that I felt a pang in my chest.

Not thinking, I reached up and cupped his face with both of my hands. His head jerked up, but not enough to leave my gentle fingers. He gazed down at me, eyes wide with surprise and searching mine.

I ignored the chorused gasps from the boys behind us and smiled as best I could up at the nosy, handsome, rich boy who awaited my next move.

I opened my mouth and mouthed the words I wish I could say;

'Kyouya, stop. Smile, please?'

I was relieved when I saw him register what I attempted to say, but he smacked my hands away and stormed out instead.

“Kyouya!” Tamaki called, reaching towards the door but then stopped himself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see Rika frowning softly.

“I’m sorry. That was my fault. I think It’d be best we leave, come on Suzu. Haruhi, we’ll meet you outside.” Rika’s voice was tight as she guided me outside.

~How did that happen so fast…. One minute the atmosphere was playful then…Kyouya changed it.~

Rika just shook her head, obviously frustrated with the whole thing. Just by the way her jaw was tightly set, I knew she was frustrated, but holding back the urge to beat something to a bloody pulp.

I left her to her thoughts and concentrated on my own.

Kyouya…he’s conceited and nosy with a charming smile to fool even someone like me, but… he can’t be all bad. I don’t believe that he’s a horrible person, I refuse to! He’s still a kid; he shouldn’t hold such a cold stony stare…

~Did I go too far…?~

Rika stopped me as we stood on the steps outside the academy’s front door and turned me around so I was facing her.

“Look at me, Suzu. You did nothing wrong; period. You were reaching out and there is nothing wrong about that. He’s just an asshole, so don’t worry about him.” She said sternly, and then glanced up, catching something behind me.

I turned around to see what had distracted her to spot the devil himself frowning at Rika and me.

Kyouya must have heard her.

He scoffed at her while she flipped him the birdie. I frowned seeing the electricity practically flying between them. He acts so high and mighty but at the same time is so immature…and her? That’s just Rika for you, always the childish one.

“Suzu, may I speak with you privately?” He asked in a business tone.

I blinked, surprised then looked at Rika who looked like she was a bit conflicted, deciding whether to let me or to refuse to. Finally she sighed and let go of my shoulder, glaring down at Kyouya.

I pecked her gently on her cheek to make sure she was okay and when she smiled softly I nodded and glided down the steps, following a step behind Kyouya as he walked away.

I wonder what he needs to talk about that we can’t in front of Rika…

I followed him just a ways away from Rika’s line of sight and finally he stopped and straightened his shoulders while I leaned against a tree.

“I apologize for my juvenile behavior earlier today. I felt I should apologize privately, to avoid interruptions or drama from the rest of the club. What your sister shared earlier was none of my business and I’m sorry I pushed her into it. I disrespected your wishes and hope we can still be…friends.” He said, a faint pink brushing his cheeks.

Wow. This boy seems to never stop surprising me.

I giggled softly, surprising him as his head shot up from its little bow and he stared at me.

~Kyouya, of course we can be friends! But sincerely you don’t have to try and trick us into revealing stuff about us; just ask. Maybe you won’t get an answer, but that’s what building trust means.~

He followed my hands move smoothly as I signed this for him then the pink across his cheeks broadened.

“You are quite the interesting girl, Suzu…I see what you mean and agree. Building trust is important and I feel you will be worth the work.” He said smirking coyly.

I raised an eyebrow, startled by another quick mood change and watched as he gently grabbed my hand from where it had hung loosely at my side and kissed the knuckle where a small pink patch resonated. I half remembered him smacking my hand away earlier, but concentrated on the most gentlemanly gesture known to man; and didn’t flinch away from his touch. Not even a little bit.

“Good evening, Suzu.”

He walked away, leaving me there startled and blushing from the gesture.

Coy bastard. 

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now