Kihyun freed his arm from my grasp and laughed at my last remark that could be true!!

"Watching us? Why us?"

"I don't know, but I feel like someone is really watching me," I said feeling my whole face warm up when I saw Kihyun lift up an incredulous eyebrow "I am not kidding, I see someone watching me from a distance and at the blink of an eye the person disappears."

"Kyun, we are inside a well-secured pack. No wolf can go through our tight security without being seen or smelled by our elites."

"I swear Kihyun, someone could be watching us."

"Our mates would know if someone is Kyun. Now let it go, we are not in danger and Aerum and Jangmi are not with the bad guys."

"How can you be so sure? What if they are spies?"

Kihyun ignored me and went ahead to the packhouse towards the kitchen with the groceries while I just dropped my body over a couch at the pack house's living room. I was tired and cold, I needed warmth. 

I slowly slid out of the couch to sit on the floor close to the fireplace, then I started to take off the heavy-weight parka jacket I was wearing so that I could also yank my boots off and toss them away after I tossed my last boot I heard a rough grunt of pain.

"Watch it!"

I turned around to apologize "I am sorry Minhyuk."

Minhyuk pouted dropping the boot next to the couch so that he could sit next to me in front of the fireplace. we both huddled together and placed our hands over the fire so that we could get warmed up. 

"Any idea why Kihyun is acting bitchier than usual?" Minhyuk sighed when he looked at me and I just rolled my eyes "Pissed that I consider Aerum and Jangmi to be bad guys."

"Ah," he blew the strands of his newly dyed blonde hair away from his eyes "is a huge possibility they could be working with the rogues or with someone else."

"I know and I don't want to believe it either but I do admit that many strange things happened when they were around and they were very curious about my origin pack and Jooheon's pack. They also were very distant."

"You know," the blonde glanced around the room to make sure we were truly alone before he talks, "I thought it could be their fault why you had the miscarriage..."

My ears perked up and I looked at hyung right in the eyes, I mean... could be it be true?

"I don't know ... I never knew I was pregnant and neither did they."

"Hmm, true."

We both sighed out loud.

"I mean, I knew I was feeling different but I thought it was the bond that was making me sick."

"Who knows Kyun, they could have known or not."

"Can we talk about something else please?" the topic was making me upset and much more when I considered it could be possible for them to know and did something to make me lose my baby.

Those girls.... just what were they up to ... now I don't trust them at all, they could be the ones watching me from the shadows for all I know ...

~Away From You~ JookyunWhere stories live. Discover now