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♕|Edited December 10, 2019|♕

  Part 1

Y/n's Pov

My head was pounding from a wave of a huge headache. I moaned softly in pain as I opened my eyes slowly and pushed my body up. My body was in huge amounts of pain. Everything was dark.
"Move faster you stupid animal!" I heard someone shout. The smack of a hard whip. The sound of a whimpering lion. It's cries make me winced in pain. I.
A small speck of light peeked open. With the little light I had, I was in a cage with it being covered over by a blanket, but not covered enough. I tried moving around, in return with slithering slight metal. I touched my neck. I had a collar with a metal leash  attached to it, and hooked to the metal bars in front of me. I tried to make it off, but only got an electric shock instead. I yelled and cried out loudly in pain with my eyes closed shut.
"You. Take that lion back. I'll deal with this one." Someone shouted.
I fell to the ground in pain as I was barely catching my breath and crying in tears. I felt numb and tired. I was even sweating. The whimpering of the lion kept fading away.  The person removed the cover that covered the cage. Staring down at me with a cold death stare was Hunter. He stared down at me. And I was a trembling with a pathetic look on my face as I backed up. I had no shoes or socks, just my bear feet. My random t-shirt from back in the restaurant. And Hunter's hoodie.
He bent down into a squat. Eyes still glaring back at me coldly. Studying me with a fix stare.
"Did you ever loved me?"

Y'all, I'll update a lot more, so sry for the cliffhanger, I know you'll were dying for an update. After exam week, I'll update long. And more.
Your's Truly: Author- Chan

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