"Don't dare to go there, Faara. I am dead serious." He clenched his teeth. I have to admit, he looked pretty scary. He was seething with anger but I being myself had to give him a reply.

"I will." I stated confidently. He raised his arm and I closed my eyes. He was practically a centimeter away from me and our bodies were practically stuck together.

"Hey Bro! Drop it." Vivaan came forward and dragged him away. The others were busy laughing.

I was damn scared but ofcourse I couldn't show it. Was he going to hit me? Would he really? I was still coming around. As much as I hated him, I knew he wasn't that type. He was just having fun but I looked at a different side today. It seemed like I had pressed the wrong buttons unintentionally. The truth was that I didn't know any of his secret.

"Calm down people. It's not that deep." The only sensible person at the table spoke. Krystal, who happened to be a very close friend of Steve. She was insanely gorgeous and a very beautiful person at heart too. I admired her very much but never had the courage to talk to her. She was so beautiful. Why would she even want to be friends with a plain jane like me.

I decided it was no use talking to him and I would do the project alone. I walked away when I heard the brunette speak.

"Next time, call her a brownie instead of cupcake."

If I wasn't already scared and if my heart wasn't already thumping against my chest, I would have gotten back at her but now wasn't the time. I was hardly holding myself together. Besides that, racism was in their blood so I was in no place to complain. This place had done more damage to my mental health and self esteem than anything else. Sam and Ishika were beside me like my pillars the whole time and I was thankful for them.

"Get off me." He was still seething with anger and banged his fist at the table making the brunette walk away.

□ □ □ □ □

I did all the work myself and submitted it via the e-mail by the night. I never needed his help. Ethically speaking, he should have helped. But frankly, there was no connection between Zack and morals so I didn't care. The next morning, the professor had marked all the projects and my assignment got the second highest grades and my asshole of a partner got it for free. What a beautiful life!!!

I grabbed my stuff and walked towards the locker to grab the stuff for our Algebra class when I heard him calling my name. I ignored him as if I was deaf and he didn't exist. He tapped my shoulder from behind.

"What part of two feet distance you don't understand, Asshole."

"uhh..okay." He moved back awkwardly and I walked into the class again ignoring him.

"Listen to me for once." He had taken a seat right behind mine to make my blood boil more.

"I won't bother you after this." That got my attention and I immediately turned around.

"The project was really good. And I owed you an apology for everything that happened yesterday and today." He was growing red with nervousness.


But I had to keep him in his place.

"Oh don't bother about it jerk! I don't expect an apology from a morally corrupt asshole of a person like you. Now if you excuse me!" I smiled and turned around.

"Ouch!" I heard him say but he didn't bother me after that so I was good.

□ □ □ □ □

I was standing in the ground waiting for the school bus to arrive and talking to Ishika and Sam when some guy collided into me. The force of impact was so great that I fell down on the stony path the next moment and scratched my elbows so bad that they began to bleed immediately. My hands and feet started to burn and ache as well. Unwillingly, a cry escaped my mouth. It hurt like a bitch. I closed my eyes and tried to lessen the pain. Everybody was looking at me and laughing. I hadn't been more embarrassed before in my whole life.

Why God why? Why me always? Why not someone else for once?

The tears of pain came out but I quickly wiped them off. I couldn't be weak. Not in front of these people atleast. I brushed the dust off my jeans and tried to get up but my ankle was sprained badly. Out of nowhere, Zack appeared on the scene and the laughter suddenly died down.

"Here," He held my arm and helped me get up. "I got you."

"No thanks. I am fully capable on my own. I don't need random jerks helping me."

In no way, I was going to be helped by him even though I was fully aware that I couldn't take a single step on my own.

"As you wish." He left me and I took a step. I was about to fall when he caught me again from behind.

"You and your huge ego!" He stared at me in amusement trying to walk as best as I could. The blood had started to ooze out now.

"Listen, you're bleeding. Let me help you. I promise, I won't do anything." He eyed my bleeding elbows.

"I don't even want to see your face let alone be helped by you." I winced in pain. My eyes were watering and my skin was burning due to the humid air.

"Look sometimes I say and do things that I really don't mean. So whatever I did might be wrong but you know me so well, you know I am like that only." He matched his pace with mine.

"Is it so hard to admit that you were utterly wrong?" I spoke wincing in pain.

"It is Faara. It is. You won't understand. Now can I help?" He asked politely. I raised my arm a little and he slung it behind his neck walking me to the first aid room.

"Last thing, don't hide your pain Faara. Or you would end up like the ones you hate." He spoke and walked away leaving me wondering about what just happened.


Teri Meri Chemistry. 📚 ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें