Chapter One | Don't Stop Believing

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Suddenly, every memory he had with his aunt turned sorrowful and any hope he had once harbored vanished. A dark, cold, and empty void surrounded him. He felt overwhelming sorrow, though he did not know why. Happy thoughts were replaced with those of grief and dejection. Then he saw his aunt before him. It was a memory, of the last time he had seen her. But as the memory unfolded Draco watched as his father and mother shunned her, forbidding her from ever returning to see Draco again. The world came crashing down on him and all at once, he was alone. Draco fought it, staggering as he lurched forward, onto his hand and knees.

   "No," he whispered, seeing his breath stagger in the cold air. He struggled. What little happiness he had found in his life was fleeting with despair. An icy hand clutched at his heart and Draco fought the urge to scream. Draco grabbed his head and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to hold on to his thoughts together. He couldn't forget, he wouldn't forget. He repeated this to himself over and over, wringing his hands through his hair and taking deep, icy breaths until it passed.

In a few seconds the lights came back on and the train began to move again. Draco's head quickly whipped around and his eyes snapped to where the dementor had been. It was gone. There was no trace of the vile creature. With a shaky breath, Draco rose and sat on the booth. He quickly searched the compartment but soon found that it was empty just as before. Draco shuddered. He had only ever experienced that once before, when his father had made him face a dementor. His father had anticipated that the encounter would diminish Draco's 'hope'. Draco shook his head. But why would the dementors be so close to the Hogwarts train? It made no sense.

A few minutes later, Draco saw a silhouette pass by the car door then stop. Immediately, he knew who it was. Hermoine Granger. He knew that mane of hair anywhere. It bounced with each step she took, as it usually did when she would fume and marched away. Regret it as he did, Draco loved making her mad. He enjoyed seeing her get angry. He liked seeing the way her nose would wrinkle in disgust and the flame that her glare always held when she looked at him in contempt. It was that flame that he so admired. Draco smiled for a moment and he felt a peace settle in his chest. But then he remembered who he was..., and more significantly, who she was.

Granger stopped in front of the door and slid it open hesitantly. But when she saw Draco lounged out on the booth, she froze. Draco didn't bother to move for he fact that he was still severely shaken, and he was trying to appear indifferent to her presence. Granger hesitated then leaned forward, her golden curls falling over her shoulders like flowing honey. "Malfoy?" She asked with uncertainty. Draco grunted in response and Hermione tilted her head. "Are... are you alright?"

Draco looked at her, not bothering to sit up and cleared his throat, being careful to harden his tone. "I'm fine."

She breathed a sigh of... relief? "There was a dementor attack."

   Draco lifted his head a fraction and looked at her out of the corner of his eye. Worry entered his stare but he masked it quickly before she could see. "Was anyone hurt?"

She hesitated, as if deciding whether or not to tell him the truth, then finally shook her head. "No."

Draco smirked. "Shame."

   Horror entered her gaze and she raised her chin. "You don't mean that." She said with certainty.

Draco rolled his eyes, annoyed at her utter ignorance. "How would you know what I mean?" He spat, spitefully.

Granger hesitated. "Did... did it attack you, Malfoy? The dementor?"

Draco opened his mouth to snap back but couldn't come up with anything to say. The concern in her expression left him dumbstruck. Why would she be concerned... for him? Draco's eyes narrowed as he studied her expression. She must have seen his grim expression when she entered the train car. But even then, why would she care? Draco scowled, swinging his legs over the seat and shifted into a sitting position. He raked a hand through his hair and sat up straighter, trying to look dignified then gave her a smug look. "Worried, were you, Granger?"

Fascination|𝐴 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 (𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 3, 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 1)Where stories live. Discover now