A New Member

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Alex looked down, thinking about his ex. He knew it was his fault about the break up, but what can he do? He vowed not to let that affect his war fighting ability. It would have been more distracting if they hadn't broke up, as he would be spending a lot of time away from her, knowing that she misses him. He wasn't depressed or anything, just a little zoned out. As he sat on the dropship, sat beside his fellow soldiers he looked outside the window. All he saw were other ships flying beside his. In addition, he would also rarely see the Arwings that belong to the Star Fox team flying past them. The ships were making their way to the USS Echelon. He could see her (the ship) from miles away. She was enormous, to say the least.

"Cheer up, Rivera. Can't be all that bad." A marine said as he nudged Alex. "It's not that, I'm not even sad or anything. I'm just a little zoned out." He responded.
"Fair enough." The soldier said as he turned around. The ship started to slow down as the pilot flew the ship into the bay of the Echelon. As the drop-ship was about to land, Alex heard a robotic voice. "Please clear the area for landing." The ships ramp lowered, allowing the soldiers to move out of the ship. Alex was one of the last soldiers to leave the ship. He was stopped by Colonel Garrod. He never had a problem with him, or did anything wrong. So he wondered what the reason for him being stopped by him was. "Sir." You said quietly. "Lieutenant Rivera, the Commander would like to see you in his office. I suggest you go there now." He lectured.
"Yes sir." He responded. While the other soldiers made their way to their rooms, Alex headed to Commander Garrick's office. When he got there, he knocked on the door and waited. After a few moments, he heard a muffled voice say "Come in!". He opened the door to see Garrick sat at his desk, putting the phone down. "Sir? You wanted to see me?" Alex asked him. "Yes, Rivera. Please, take a seat. He said, with his hand pointed at the chair in front of his desk. Alex sat down at the desk and waited to hear the news. "You are aware of Star Fox now aren't you?" He asks, as if it was a difficult question. "Yes sir, I have." Alex stared blankly. "The leader of the team, Fox Mccloud, is grateful that you saved his life during the mission on Shyrrah (Shi-rah), and has requested that I promote you to join their team." He went on. He had a wide expression on his face. "Really? It would be an honour, sir." Alex responded happily.

3 weeks ago.....

Odyssey Sector, Shyrrah.
21st April 2235

Alex's squad was in a ship flying over to an enemy base. They were ordered to retrieve intel of a weapon capable of destroying entire planets. Intel confirmed that it was held in a container in the shipyard. But it was heavily guarded and fortified.
"Henhouse, this is Ninja 1-1-2, we are approaching the LZ, ETA 2 minutes. Be advised that the area is hot with tangos, requesting permission to engage, over." The pilot of the ship said. Alex saw out of the window, that the base was opening fire on the fleet. The ship Alex was in started firing on the anti air gun squad. In no time, the squad was wiped out. "Alright, The anti air system in Sector 1-Alpha is history, we're deploying the troops now, over." The pilot said. Once the ramp opened up, the soldiers all left the ship at once. The shipyard was full of containers.
"On me, boys." The squad leader ordered. Alex was second in line. The squad pushed against one of the containers, away from the sight of the enemy. The squad leader pointed his rifle at one of the soldiers. Alex had his pointed at another. "Drop em." The leader commanded. Alex pulled the trigger and put the enemy rifleman down. As did the squad leader. "Two X-rays down." Alex said through the headset. The squad advanced to a building next to the crane which was picking up containers. This was where the containers were being loaded onto the ship for transport. "We need to clear the building. Intel confirms that the containers are being loaded by an uncontrolled AI. It's probably guarded, so watch your six." The squad leader took point and kicked the door in. There were no guards or any soldiers in there. Just a computer. The soldiers seemed puzzled. The squad leader took a step into the room to look at the computer.

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