Chapter 37- Together Again

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"Where are you?!"

"Rainbow, just leave me and go find them..."


"S-SKY!" I suddenly woke up and looked around. I held my head when I felt pain. "Hey Dashie, you OK?"

"What happen sugercube?"

"W-wha– where a-am I?" I asked. I looked around and it seems that we are inside a cave and it is already nighttime. "Rest up a bit. Fluttershy said you were too tired, that is why you're not your self before."

I didn't listen to Pinkie yet, I tried and pushed my self to stood up but both Aj and Pinkie stopped me. "I-I need to find Sky!"

"No! Not in your situation! You need to rest up! Do you see your self?! You're a mess and you look so pale!" Pinkie shouted. "B-but Clarity! She's still out there! I need to go and help Sky!" I said and tried to stand up again but Applejack pushed me down, making me sit.

"You ain't goin' anywhere missy! Just stay put!" Applejack said. We all stop when I saw Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity came.

But when I saw Clarity, I didn't know but I suddenly feel angry towards her. Her appearance, her hair, her look. Still look the same as Clarity. And by her name.

"You!" I shouted and pushed Applejack and stood up. I walked towards Rarity and I saw how shocked she was. I can't help my self, my hand suddenly move in its own and slapped her.

I wasn't shock, I didn't regret doing it. But instead I felt a bit better but still, I'm really mad at her.

"Whoa!" I heard Pinkie reacted. "W-what was that for–"

"You! You're the reason why I'm not with Sky at this time! You're also the reason why we are all dragged into this mess! If it wasn't for you, I bet we are still all in the school by this days! Why do you have to be this worst?!" I shout at her and saw how shock she really was.

I felt Applejack and Pinkie trying to stop me by pulling me by my shoulder, but I didn't move.

"I-it wasn't my fault that my sister was like this!" She said. "Yes it is!" I shouted again. "Hey cut that off!" Applejack said and pushed me.

"Don't you dare disturb us!" I angrily hit her hands off me. "Now Rainbow Dash! This is no one's fault! It's not Rarity's or our fault that Clarity is being a killer! We didn't want you three to be in to this mess or even Sky!"

"Oh really?! So why are we here now?!" I asked but she didn't answer, "That's what I thought!"

"Now come on Dashie. Don't blame them, I'm sure Sky is fine and she is strong so no need to worry–" I cutter Pinkie. "How can you be sure she is fine?! I saw how Clarity stabbed her! How she tried to save me! How she sacrifice her life for me! And you want to tell me not to worry?!"


"I don't care about all of you! I just want to see my sister! And I want to find her now!"

"What about Clarity?! She's still out there looking for all of us! You wanna die?!" Pinkie asked. "After I see Sky doing fine? Yes I'm willing to die!"

"So step out of my way! I'm going to find her!" I said and pushed them all away. But before I got out Twilight blocked my way, "Move!"

"No." She coldy said. "Get. Out. Of. My. WAY!" I elled but she only looked at me with no emotion. "You will stay here."

"I'm going to find my sister. So move away!" I said and pushed her. I saw how her emotions turn into pain, I looked at her confusely. But she quickly changed again with no emotion, "No one will leave this cave not until I say so."

Geez. This girl is so hard headed.

"Move away Twilight." I seriously said, but she didn't move. "I said, MOVE AWAY!" I shout at her and tried to push her again, when she slapped me hard.

"I said no one will leave this cave not until I. Say. So!" She said with full of authority. "No one can stop me."

"Stay or die?" Twilight said. I only looked at her seriously, I don't wanna stay but I don't wanna die either.

I sigh, "S-stay..."

"Good." Twilight said, "After a day, when I'm doing fine. We can leave and look for Sky, but not for now. I might be the reason to slow everyone."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Can't you see this wound?" Twilight asked and pointed to her wound right on her stomach, "This is the reason why no one can go out. I might slow you all when Clarity saw us."

No wonder...

Twilight walked away from me and sat beside Rarity. Now I know why pain suddenly rushed in her face. I pushed her causing pain in her wound.

How stupid can I get?

I shook my head and walk inside. I sat at the edge and watched them rest, now that I'm calm I understand why they don't want me to leave.

Twilight with a worst situation, Rarity who's not her self today, Fluttershy helping with Twilight's wound and Aj and Pinkie looking after.

I just want to see Sky...

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Wait 'till December and I might update regularly. So please do be patient, thank you again for the support everyone, have a nice day❤️ ~GayleStar4

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