Magnetic couple..

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Hi its first update..thank you so much for encouraging me to continue this..and thank you so much for the precious votes and comments...

And the special one to whom i want to dedicate this is @kushijain1998...thank you so much sis for your tremendous have no idea what your words meant to me..but i used to disappoint you with my late updates..i always makes sure to update before you asked for it but i couldn't help all the times..hope will try hereafter..sorry for that dear..and thank you so much for the love you are showing for my works...

Lets get into the very first update of this...

          When this story begins,a girl lost in her thoughts standing near the window..seeing the moon she tells whatever she wants to share with her soul..her love of life,her husband...its been a month she used to share her nights like this..before that she never ever find this much time to admire the moon..or she even didn't wanted then when she was cuddled by her husband tightly..letting the lone tear she bends down to wipe off her tears while something caught in her attention..the gift..which she received on the very first month anniversary of her marriage from her husband..her lips curved into a little smile while the tears found its own way down..this is like her sweet memories makes her to do..her eyes will pooled up with tears while her lips will carry a little smile...

her eyes will pooled up with tears while her lips will carry a little smile

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

....she came out from her thoughts hearing a bang on the door..she smiles again hearing the bang..exactly like this only her naughty husband do whenever he comes late from his office..after a while entering in,he would cease his lips with hers as the way of asking sorry for making her wait all that time..tracing her smile curved lips she remembers those days..very immediately the smile dropped off,as the chances of having him at the other side of the door is very less in her imagination too..but the little side of her heart nah his heart which is with her now saying that it is him..her husband..her abhi..sighing a little she heads towards the she is nearing the door her heartbeat racing like she is going to meet him close after a month..when she opens the door..she stunned there not to believe her own eyes..

    Shock was underestimate for her seeing him before her

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

    Shock was underestimate for her seeing him before her..she never expected he would come like this..this is what only she wished for but never ever thought that this would happen so soon..thousands of questions runs in her his sudden arrival here..or the way he is staring at her..or the smile which she is witnessing in him for her..or not seeing the hatred which she has seen at the last it real or not..or any of her day dream..her chain of thoughts have broken down when she was caged by her husband tightly in the name of hugging to make her rooted with shock..

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