Part 1: Seeing their true selfe

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You have a day off and the Matsuno brothers invited you to hang out with them. Since they are the only one who can handle your weird personality you like to spend time with them. Not just that they make you laugh often with their stories.

You knock on the front door and a few seconds later it flies open. "Y/n-chan!" Jyushimatsu beams really happy and hugs you tightly. You chuckle and hug him tightly back. "Jyushimatsu~! Like always such a happy bean~!"

Jyushimatsu let you go and steps to the side. You enter the house and take your shoes off. Jyushimatsu locks the door quietly. "Y/n-chan~!" "Ngh?!" You freeze and hold your breath when two hands going suddenly from behind under your hoodie.

"Oi! Stop doing this every time when y/n-chan is visiting us." Choromatsu said annoyed and walks out of the living room. Osomatsu chuckles and take his hands away. "But I can't help myself~. Y/n-chan is just too cute~."

You let out a shaky breath. "It feels like you want to stab me with a knife, Osomatsu." You say with a pale face. "Eh?!" "My dearest Karamatsu girl~! Why don't you come with me and my brothers in the living room~?" Karamatsu walked out of the living room and made his way over to you.

You hum and look a bit sweating away. "Well um ... you see Karamatsu the thing is um..." Ichimatsu and Todomatsu stepped out of the living room as well. Now the brothers listen really close to you. "What is it, sweetheart?" Karamatsu ask with a hum. But his voice sounded for a second not usual.

"You see, I only can stay three hours. After that I ... need to go home again. My parents want to visit me and it would be really weird if I'm not there." You laugh a bit nervous.

You can't see it, but the eyes from the brothers darkened. 'She's lying.' Whenever you laugh nervous or acting like this the brothers know your lying.

" ... Then let us spend this few hours the best we could y/n-chan." Todomatsu smiles cute and takes your one hand. Pulling you with him to the living room. The other five following you two, but Karamatsu enters the kitchen.

Todomatsu push you down by the table and sit down next to you. The others sitting down as well. "So? How's work y/n-chan?" "Well ... it's exhausting sometimes Todomatsu." You chuckle and lay your arms down on the table.

"And you guys? How's NEET life?" "If you don't have a girlfriend it's really boring." Osomatsu pouts. "Y/n-chan." You hum and look over your shoulder. Karamatsu place a cup down by you and by the others too. You stare at the tea with an blanked expression.

One thing is annoying the brothers much. Whenever you have this expression in your face they can't read you at all. It's like you can think of something the brothers don't know about at all. " ... Thank you, Karamatsu." You smile at him now.

"Heh. Every time, my dear." "Oh! I found a really cool restaurant you six should try! It's pretty cheap and the food taste sooo good~! It feels like you're melting~!" You have now a dreamy expression while drooling a bit.

Choromatsu wipes the drool away from your chin and licks it from his finger when you don't look at him. "You really love food, huh?" Ichimatsu ask with a slight smirk. "I would die for it." You say with determination in your eyes.

"Huh?" Osomatsu hugs you from the side now. "Don't die y/n-chan~. We would be really sad if you leave us~." You laugh lightly and say: "Don't worry, I won't die that fast Osomatsu."

"Don't you want to drink your tea, y/n-chan?" Jyushimatsu ask curious. You hum and look down at the cup with an blanked expression again. Causing Osomatsu to tighten his grip.

" ... I'm not really thirsty, Jyushimatsu." You laugh flustered. "But I made this tea-" Before Karamatsu can say more you interrupt him. "Why don't you guys drink your tea anyways?" The boys flinching lightly.

You smile innocently and close your eyes. "How about this? If you drink your tea I'll do it too." The eyes from the brothers darken a bit again. 'Did she found out?'

" ... Just kidding~!" You take the cup tea and start to drink it. The brothers falling a bit to the side. You drink the tea in one gulp empty and stand up. Osomatsu let go of you of course. "Can I use the bathroom for a moment?"

"S-Sure. You know where." You turn around and walk humming happily away. But your head starts to feel dizzy. Your eyelids falling shut and you fall down to the ground. The sextuplets quickly standing up.

Ichimatsu looks if you have any injuries, but you're fine. You snore lightly while drool is running down your chin. The Matsuno brothers smirking.



"Hn?" You open your eyes lightly. A weird smell comes into your nose what makes you waking up more. You get slowly up from the ground and look around the area. It's a basement. You want to get up but that's when you feel something on your ankle.

You hum and glance down to see that your ankle is chained to the wall. You look back to your ankle, then to wall and back to your ankle. This goes on for a while until your head realize it.

" ... AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Get this thing off meeeeee!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I'm not into SM or anythiiiiing!!" You try to run away, but the chain holds you back. That's when the door from above by the stairs opens.

You look panicked up, but can't really see much. The bright light from outside is killing your eyes. "You're up y/n-chan~." Osomatsu coos happy and walks down the stairs. Along with his five little brothers.

"Guys! Help me! Some weirdo chained me to this wall in a basement! And I'm not into such things at all!" You explain panicked while trying to pull the chain from your ankle away. But only marks starting to build.

Karamatsu lays a hand down onto your shoulder, making you stop. "Not some weirdo did this, my beautiful flower. My brothers and me did this." Karamatsu said with a friendly smile. You stare at him with an blanked expression before you step away.

"Uh, I don't know what weird kinks you six have, but please don't involve me with them." You say with a forced smile while looking with a pale face away from them. The sextuplets staring at you surprised but starting to laugh suddenly.

"Oh man! You're really innocent, now aren't you!?" You look at the brothers now unsure and a bit scared. "G-Guys?"

Osomatsu clears his throat and walks over to you. He stops in front of you and leans a bit down to face you. "You didn't notice at all over all this years how much we love you, now don't you y/n-chan~?" Your eyes widen and you take a step back.

For a moment you had the feeling that Osomatsu's eyes glowed red. "We loved you since the first day in high school y/n-chan. But you never notice us." Todomatsu sigh sad with a pout. "But we always made sure that no one is taking you away from us~." Choromatsu said with a smile.

Suddenly Ichimatsu throws letters down to the ground, over to you. Your eyes widen when you see they all were for you. "A few boys were putting them in your locker! But we took them out before you could see them!" Jyushimatsu explains happy.

Suddenly your world starts to spin. "W-Why ... am I ... a-at your basement?" You ask with a shaky voice. Looking down to the letters. "You see my sweetheart, we realize that just be friends with you isn't enough for holding all this men back who wants to take you away from us. So we decided to keep you know by us forever~. Isn't that great~?"

You feel suddenly so sick. You clench your arms around your stomach and going with your upper body a bit down. "Don't worry. We don't really look like it, but we'll take good care of you y/n-chan." Ichimatsu said bored.

"?!" But you fall onto your knees and throw up. "Oh, did you ate something wrong y/n-chan?" Osomatsu ask surprised. Your eyes falling shut and you pass out. Before you hit your own barf Osomatsu catch you and holds you up.

"I think it was too much for her." "We should clean this up and let her rest here. I don't think y/n-chan will clean this up by her own." Choromatsu sighs and walks over to the stairs.

Happy Life (Yandere!Matsu brothers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now