I woke up to the sound of gunshots, I sat up quickly when I heard footsteps walking closer to the room,"___," I looked at the person standing at the door,"Alfred? Where's everyone else?" He walked into the room and pulled out a key from his pocket,"They're downstairs, we need to hurry," he unlocked the lock on the chains,"Grab whatever you need and let's get out of here," I grabbed my phone out of the drawer and put it in my pocket,"Ready," he ran to lock the door and then went to go open the wondow,"Come on let's go." He looked out the window and then jumped out,"Alfred!" I ran to the window, he was standing already, shaking of any dust,"Jump!" He put his arms out, I shook my head,"Come on, we have to leave," I heard banging on the door of the room, I looked at the door then at Alfred,"I guess its better than death," I jumped.
I opened my eyes, I was in Alfred's arms, he was still standing,"Come on we have to hurry," he put me down and grabbed my arm,"She's not going anywhere," I turned around and saw Al,"She's ours, we love her," I looked at Alfred who was still looking away, he let go of my arm. I looked at Al,"A-Al," he walked closer to us,""A-Are you really going to try and kill him?" I knew this had to work, I had to act like the victim, this had to work, Alfred's life is on the line,"Sorry, but that seems to be the best option," he hugged me. Alfred ran to him and stabbed him,"I-I'm sorry Al, but its for my own good," I let go of him, he was crying, I sat down infront of him, his face was covered in blood,"___, just run," he said lightly, he smiled. I kissed him quickly,"Thanks Al," I stood up and ran to Alfred,"Let's go."
We've been running through a forest for a few hours, I was getting tired,"Can we just stop for a while?" Alfred looked back at me,"Fine a 15 minute break won't harm anyone," I smiled and faceplanted into the floor,"Ah, floor, how much I love you," I rolled around in the floor laughing lightly at the possibility of me looking insane which was 100%. I looked up to the sound of gunshots,"Alfred," he grabbed my arm, pulled me up and began running,"Hurry!" He was running between many trees and we found a lake,"What now?" Alfred looked around, he smiled,"We're going home," he jumped into the water and pulled me along with him, honestly, that's the most insane thing I've ever done so far.
I got up from the floor,"Alfred?" I looked around, I was in Arthurs home,"Here," Alfred walked down the stairs,"Cool right? Got home, dry, safe, no deaths," he smiled. I nodded,"Well how did you guys figure out how to use magic?" Right on cue everyone reappeared,"We all did it, just to find you," I smiled and hugged Alfred,"Thanks you guys," I said quickly, I ran to Arthur and hugged him as well. "Well, why not celebrate your return?" I looked around and everyone nodded,"I agree," I stated,"But, I think we all know better than to just party," Alfred looked at me, puzzled,"What do you meam?" I laughed lightly,"We aren't just going to party," I paused,"We're going to party hard."
After, the party, everyone went home and I helped Arthur clean up,"Arthur," he looked up from his book, he was sitting on the couch,"Yes?" I looked around,"If you found a way to get to their world, is there a way you can send me back home?" Arthur closed his book and put it aside,"Its possible, but do you really want to leave?" I sighed, that question, it was just like what I was asked by Al,"I still have to think about it," I paused,"I'll tell you tomorrow." He nodded and I walked up the stairs, now this was a question that I didn't have to answer, since it wasn't life or death, but still, I couldn't choose between my good old family and my great new family.
I walked into my room and threw myself onto it,"Back home." I looked over at my phone, it was vibrating, I pulled it over to me and looked at the bright screen,"Its Kim," I sighed and unlocked the phone,"Where'd you go? You aren't with your parents and you didn't go to school, where are you?" I was reading her message out loud, but it didn't make any sense, Arthur told me that I'd be sleeping, or something like that. I sighed and replied quickly,"I just came to see some cousins, I'll be in school soon, see you later," I tapped send and didn't wait for her reply, I wanted to sleep, clear my mind and find an answer to this new question.

Hetalia X Reader Welcome Home
FanfictionI got bored in class so easily but why did history entertain me so much? Simple, an anime based on history caught my attention. Is it possible it caught me too?