FAMILY - BEST FRIENDS"I know you loved him. I loved him too"
FIRST MEETING: Howard and Peggy met during WW2 as part of project rebirth. Due to Howard being one of the lead scientists and Peggy was part of the USA Army and the SSR.
How they helped each other:During the war they both helped each other out especially Howard offering to fly Peggy and Steve to the hydra base to save the 107th . and offered her fondue which she declined.
Peggy Helped Howard a year after the war where he was been framed for selling weapons to the enemies of America. She did this by getting the stolen weapons back . This did cost her with the SSR, but Howard couldn't see someone else doing it. She successfully cleared the mans name and he was always thankful to her. Peggy Also helped Howard when he hypnotised into thinking he had found Steve but really he was about to bomb Manhattan. Peggy stopped him by telling him that Steve was gone and they will always love him.
"I owe you another one pal"
"I have stopped counting Howard"