Turn Ride 39: All Riders Big Gathering

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(episode starts with Watz opening his book and starts reading)

Watz: According to the book, my vanguard, Shindou Chrono has became Kamen Rider Decade to fight against the Demon King, Ohma Zi-O.

Watz: He has traveled through all the 18 rider worlds and collected all the Ridewatches and now embarked on his new journey.

Watz: Now, all of Dai-Shocker have gone on a Rider Hunt, but, Asakura Mangetsu return and fight against Dai-Shocker.

(then Diend facing General Shadow)

Shadow: You, get him!

(then all the henchmen and the kaijins attack Diend while Shadow handle Watz, Tsubada and Kumi)

(then Decade arrive and fight him)

Shadow: You!

Kumi: Shindou-kun.

Chrono/Decade: Hope I'm not late.

Watz: No, my vanguard.

Tokoha: Kumi-chan!

Kumi: Tokoha-chan.

(then Decade grab the sengoku driver and the beyondriver)

Chrono/Decade: Watz, Kira-san, catch it!

(and he toss the drivers to Watz and Tsubasa)

Tsubasa: Let's go!

Watz: Yeah.

(then they put their driver on their waist)

Watz and Tsubasa: Henshin!

(then they became Woz Ginga Finally and Baron Banana Arms and attack all the kaijins)

(then G3, Ixa and Birth arrive)

Tsubasa/Baron: You...

Gray/G3: We can't let you alone with him.

Bacon/Birth: Yeah, beside, there's lots of big bad here.

Koji/Ixa: Let's go!

(then they attack the kaijins as Diend regroup with Decade and Woz)

Mangetsu/Diend: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Chrono/Decade: You're late, Asakura.

Watz/Woz: Now we're back together.

Shadow: You, who are you!

Mangetsu/Diend: We're, the passing-though Kamen Riders!

Opening: Re:Rise by Spira Spica

Yakusoku no kotoba zutto koko ni aru kara (showing the decade card from front and back then changes to the decade complete form card from front and back)

Nando demo te o nobasu n da boku ga egaku ashita e (then Chrono grab the card and he looks at it and then look at the camera and he throws the card and the title show appears)

Dou mo sora o miageteru (then changes to Chrono looking at the card)

Ano hi kara zutto iro wa aseta mama (then Tokoha covers his eyes and then they fall on the grassland and Mangetsu tooks a picture of them and then Watz appear beside him and he walks away as Watz looks back at him)

Marude boku no kokoro mitai (then Chrono looks at the pictures that he travelled through the 18 rider worlds)

Sagashimono wa mada mitsukari sou ni nai (then he looks at Tokoha, Mangetsu, Watz, Kazuma, Taiyou, Shion, Henri, Rin, Kumi, Satoru, Jaime, Luna, Am, Arata, Makoto, Noa and Kiva-la as he smiled)

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