Just Another Day

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Don and Olivia showed up at work the following morning(Olivia on desk duty of course). It was supposed to be just another day, but nothing is as it seems...
"Hi, I am looking for Detective Olivia Benson," an older looking gentleman said, and Olivia stood up.
"Hi, I am Detective Olivia Benson. May I ask who you are?"
"I am your father, Joseph Hollister," the man said, gaining the rapt attention of Olivia's colleagues. She could see Finn run into Captain's office from the corner of her eye before she went completely blank.
Donald Cragen's POV:
"Captain, we have a problem," Finn said, immediately catching my attention. "What kind of problem," I replied. His next words shook me to the core.
"Olivia is standing in the squad room, looking at a man who says he is her biological father, also known as her mother's rapist. Your daughter needs you now more than ever, and we both know she probably won't admit it!"
Regular POV:
        Donald Cragen immediately ran out and wrapped a gentle arm around her shoulders. She relaxed, and with the relaxation came the courage to say what she felt.
"You are absolutely nothing to me, and you can rot in hell for all I care. I have been hunting scumbags like you my entire career, but you are the worst kind there is. You rape my mother, beat her up, and then have the nerve to walk into my work saying that you are my father. You are the reason I exist, but my Captain, Captain Donald Cragen, is my father! He is more of a man than you can ever dream of becoming. He stepped up when you weren't there, not that I would want you to be after you did to mom. He taught me everything I know. He treasures me. Not a day goes by where this man has not shown me in one way or another that he loves me. The most important thing he has taught me is that actions speak louder than words. Your actions that led to my existence haunted my mother until the day she died. For that and so much more, I can never forgive you. Get the hell away from me before I have them arrest you. I am my father's whole world, and I damn well know it. Right dad," she said, and he dropped his arm from her shoulders.
"She is correct. Get the hell away from my daughter and leave her alone." He then turned and walked into his office, Olivia following behind him. Don looked at his daughter, his eyes full of tears.
"Olivia Danielle Benson, I am so proud of you. I love you sweetheart, and I always will. You are my whole world."
"I love you too dad," she replied before being wrapped in a gigantic bear hug. That's how Finn found them awhile later on his office couch, neither willing to move.
"Just wanted to let you know that the bastard is in a holding cell. He sucker punched Munch. He won't bother you again baby girl. We got a case. I'm taking Stabler. Munch is okay and sitting at his desk," he said.
Don smiled, kissing a peaceful looking Olivia's head. "Thanks Finn."
"That's what family is for sir," he said before walking out.
"I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly. I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky, and I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change, and breakaway."

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