Jorge: That wasn't a turn-on a groan, that was a painful groan.

Tini: We're missing our reservation.

Jorge: I'm not foodwise hungry.

Tini: Nor me, I'm hungry for something else.

Jorge: Oh, and what is that?

Tini: This. *Sat on him*

Jorge: Woah, let's calm down shall we?

Tini: Shut up Jorge, it's my turn to pleasure you.

After some time passed we were laying down with my head on his shoulder, Jorge fell asleep which made me stare at him sleeping.

I crawled up to his ear to wake him up as if we were supposed to be on a date.

Tini: *Whispers in his ear* Wakey, wakey baby boy.

Jorge: *Groans* Mm, what?

Tini: We missed our dinner reservation.

Jorge: Hmm.

Tini: *Relax on his chest* What was your surprise baby?

Jorge: *Strokes her arm* Well, if you get off me, I'll show you.

I got up and I was about to get dressed when he pulled me back into his lips, I tried pulling away from him. When I pulled away I got dressed again and he did, we managed to get out the door as we were driving along I was wondering where he was taking me.

Tini: Jorge?

Jorge: Hmm?

Tini: Where are we going?

Jorge: Somewhere perfect, where nobody will be able to find us.

Tini: Oh, my god you're kidnapping me?

Jorge: What? No.

Tini: Then where are we going?

Jorge: you'll find out soon, just relax.

I put my hand on his thigh he took hold of my hand and kissed the back of my hand, I put my head on the headrest and just let Jorge drive, he put some music on which was groovy I couldn't help but tap my foot to the music.

Tini: Are we there yet?

Jorge: Yeah, we're here.

I looked out the window and saw a beautiful lodge it had lights on and smoke coming from the chimney from the fire, when Jorge opened my door to let me out he went to the boot and grabbed a duffel bag full of clothes.

I grabbed hold of his hand while walking to the Lodge, he unlocked the door and I walked in and saw a beautiful setting.

I grabbed hold of his hand while walking to the Lodge, he unlocked the door and I walked in and saw a beautiful setting

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Jortini story *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now