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  Tax, a ship consisting of Thought and Jax. This took me a long time to write, so shut up. This is only part one


Thought was a prince, known for his wealth and prosperous kingdom. He ruled with an iron fist. He prided himself in having the best for his people, feeding his people first and having multiple celebrations and festivals to keep the morale of his kingdom high while he was under stress of finding the perfect bride.

He sat in his study, quill in his hand while he scribbled furiously on the parchment under his hand. His green eyes constantly reviewed his lettering over and over. Finally settling on the hundredth draft of the same letter to his people and to the other royals in the neighboring kingdoms.

'It is with great honor that I present to you the prime of its kind to our newly formed kingdom. A coronation is not complete without guests, so I invite you all to come celebrate the splendid occasion. In addition to the festivities, it is with great honor to present my courtship of a bride. I invite all princesses to come along with the Princes of neighboring kingdoms to do the same if they shall so please. I bid my farewells and good wishes to thee. ~ The Unnamed Prince.'

He rolled up the inked parchment and stood up from his red cushioned chair. Adjusting the cuffs on his sleeves he quickly made his way out the door of his study in which he rarely leaves. Heading down the ivory stairs, the click of his shoes echoed through the empty hallways. No longer bustling with life after everyone had left to prepare the ballroom for the ball. Thought made his way straight towards the council's room. Without realizing it, his advisor was quickly trailing after him. Gasping for breath from the pursuit after him.

Thought stood in front of the dark French doors leading to the council of Three. He looked down at his advisor, a black-haired male with red eyes, a black button-up tunic with a white collar and tie as an accent. His bangs centered in the middle of his face and were fluffy on the top and sides. His physique was childlike and small.

"What is it, Levi?" He asked with a tinge of impatience. "You should know that I'm very busy this time of day!" He stated sternly with no ounce of patience, but the young male did not flinch. He was used to the impatience of the young prince he quickly answered, "It's just... Sir, wouldn't you like to maybe... Accept a prince as a lover? I know the idea is unheard of but the way you treated your childhood friend seemed to suggest otherwise about your... sexuality sir." Levi glanced over to the side. Slightly tired of the Prince's stubbornness.

Most would be terrified to even suggest such words to the Prince. One of the symbols of respect and balance especially, but Levi was no longer afraid. He knew he was allowed to speak like this with the prince. Thought hated formalities. How others always had to hold back their real words just to not piss him off.

Thought let out a soft sigh and he looked over to the side. "That would most likely cause an uprising in the kingdom. I do not want to risk losing the trust my people already have in me." He treads over to the other end of the hallway and leans on the wall. The Prince had a look of despair in his eyes. "It is simply not enough that I have already provided everyone in the Kingdom a house to live in, a safe place to live, plentiful work and food..." His affectation was present in the way he flailed his hand in the air, suggesting that he was annoyed with this crap. "Not to mention enough protection, many reinforcements, and aide from other provinces. Hell! Even our tourism is high and the economy is stable. Luckily we're not corrupt like those Fire and Earth bastards, and don't even mention those Waste-Landers! They think they're pompous and shit just because they have better Militia than us! At least the Water Bastards have the intellect to bare their ground with treaties, and not intimidations..." The Prince stroked his temples tiredly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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