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"So...", I said shaking my head taking a flute of champagne off the silver tray held by a young man walking round giving them out.

"Stop looking", Chelsea said as I could not help but glance at Kylian and the desperate 5 surrounding him. They were all giggling away at his probably unfunny joke and it was irking me.

I tried to keep my face straight and my eyes away from them but it was hard. "I can't help it", I sighed.

"Savana he's just probably talking to his friends, let the boy be", Alex chimed in causing me to give him a slight nerved look.

"Alex", I said looking at him keeping a smile on my face not wanting anyone to look over and see me annoyed. "You have never been cheated on, you don't know how anxious it makes you feel".

"She has a point", Chelsea said sipping her champagne. "But Sav, standing here wondering if he's up to no good (which I think he most probably isn't, your just being paranoid), is not fun so get your champagne down you so we can go and dance, you too Alex". Chuckling at her as I sipped the rest of the champagne in my glass, I put it down as Chelsea grabbed mine and Alex's hand and led us through the wave of people to where the others were dancing. As I laughed and danced I felt myself letting go as the time went on, I was having a good time and I felt a little less stressed.

Feeling myself about to work up a little sweat, we decided to sit down on one of the little circle tables before I clocked onto Kylian in the corner talking to Marco and I couldn't keep myself from looking, turn away Sav, turn away; and soon enough he had clocked eyes on me and shit, he was walking over, fuck fuck, I felt hot and flustered already as it is, this was no help. My heart was beating fast as I watched him walk in my direction, grabbing a large amount of female attention on the way which he politely shook off, oh god. I smiled softly when he reached the table and pulled out a chair next to me. "Hey, how are you?".

I blushed as he sat down greeting Chelsea and Alex who were talking amongst themselves as he placed an arm round the back of my chair. It was pretty loud in here so I was just managing to hear him. "Warm, sweaty, tired", I laughed as he looked at me weird with a raised eyebrow. "Dancing", I revealed as he chuckled nodding.

"Ah", he said leaning in a little closer. Fuck he smelled so good, and this jacket was driving me crazy he just pulls it off so well. "I like what you are wearing".

"Really?", I smiled.

"No it's too revealing, I don't like people staring", he said making that smile drop as I rolled my eyes smiling as I sipped on more champagne. He knew he had no say in what I wore since he was no longer my boyfriend. "Are you having a good time?".

I nodded. "Yeah, and I can see you are too?".

"What do you mean?", he frowned as I subtly pointed over to the group of girls who were subtly taking turns to each turn around to look at him before they would all turn back and giggle to each other like little school girls. I raised an eyebrow when he smirked and sat back in his chair with folded arms. "Is that jealousy?".

"You wish", I laughed turning away as he chuckled. I was by no means jealous, I mean Kylian is a single young man, of course he is going to attract the girls but, I :) just :) wanted :) them :) to :) back :) away :) a :) little :) thanks. "Are you excited for the weekend?".

He looked at me and smiled. "Obviously", he chuckled. "You?".

I looked at him bored and just shrugged making his face drop. "I'm joking".

"I hate when you do that shit", he said making me laugh, the poor boy falls for it every time. I chuckled to myself as I took another glass of champagne from the men with the silver trays floating around. "Slow down, I do want you to make it tomorrow. I don't want to be carrying your hungover ass through the airport".

PARIS | Kylian MbappeWhere stories live. Discover now