Chapter 2

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"Do we really have to go every time?"

"Just do it. please?"

"... You're lucky you're younger than me."

"Yes! Hurry and come on!"

"I'm coming!"

We ran down the sidewalk, or he ran, and I jogged cause I was faster and headed to the small woods leading to one of his favorite places.

The Sandlot

He found it while following some guys back here, and he loved going ever since to watch them play. Baseball, that is. Not to mention him dragging me here with him.

We walked up to the familiar red fence, and Scott looked around, running into a branch. I laughed at him, only for him to get mad at me again.

We walked in, and I followed Scotty as he circled the area. One thing I noticed about these guys is that they never kept score or chose sides. They kind of just kept playing the game endlessly.

I'm good at pitching, so I try to teach Scott when he wants to learn, but most of the time, he says I throw too hard, or I don't give him enough time to think, whatever that means. I guess that's why he asked Bill instead of me this time.

Anyway, Scotty and I were still watching them play this endless baseball game. I heard rumbling behind us, and my head turned slowly to the blue fence. A deep growling could be heard from the other side of the spikey wooden barrier, making me uneasy. I was startled to hear someone yelling at us from afar.

"Watch out!"

We turned around and saw the baseball coming at us. My reflexes were much faster than Scott's, and I stepped out of the way. He didn't get so lucky cause the ball hit him, and he screamed. I heard the boys from the field laughing as hard as they could while one of them shook their head. I couldn't see who though.

"You okay, Scotty? I should have caught it."

"Yeah, it's fine."

He got up and put his hat back on. I'm not trying to be mean or anything. I mean, of course, Scott is my best friend, but... That hat has to be thrown off a cliff... and burned in the depths of hell.

Sorry, not sorry?

He turned to the field and yelled out to the guys a few yards away.

"Hey! I'll get it!"

He started to whisper to himself, but I could still hear him

"Okay, I'll get it. Don't be a Goofus, don't be a Goofus, don't be a Goofus!"

He slowly walked over to the fence. Since he caused us attention, I might as well speak to these guys, right?

I lightly jogged towards the field while Scotty went to grab their ball.

I went over to them, and a few stared at me. They looked dumbfounded for some reason. I looked around them, perplexed. They look like they've never seen a guy before. And that's dumb because they're surrounded by each other. Every day...

"Hi, I'm Y/N"

No response. Just more stares. And now it is awkward.

I heard Scotty scream from the opposite direction and turned to see him running away from the fence.

He had the ball in his hand, and the others seemed to turn their attention to him, and they started yelling at him to hurry up.

I looked back to see the tallest one still looking at me, but he turned away, looking back to Scott.

Wait, Scott can't throw at all... I looked back at him, standing weirdly, and he threw the ball a few feet before him. The guys were on the floor laughing this time, and Scott had his head down. He ran out of the Sandlot right after.

"Wow, you guys are jerks."

I looked around the group, and they stopped laughing. I saw some of their faces turn red, and others looked away, but the tall one just stared at me. I scoffed and ran after Scotty. I called his name to slow him down, but he completely ignored me.

Since I was faster, I caught up with him quickly and grabbed a hold of one of his moving wrists.

"You alright, Scotty?"

"No, I'm a loser"

"Hey, no, look at me, Scott... You are not a loser."

"That's what you think."

"That is what I think. Look, you're an amazing person, okay?"

He nodded and sniffed. It caught me by surprise, but he hugged me. He only did this when he was truly upset and I would never push him away.

"Let's go home. I want to go finish the-"

"Thingy majiggy? Sure"

"That's not what it's call-"

"Yes, it is. Now let's go."

He smiled and let go of my abdomen.

"Finally, you smile."

He punched my arm and ran down the street towards his house.

"Hey, get back here!"

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