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By morning Beatrice had probably gotten a total of two hours of sleep. Ever time she dosed of she was awoken by a nightmare. Looking in the mirror she could see the dark bags underneath her eyes.

Beatrice went into the kitchen and made herself some hot tea with lots of sugar, hopping the caffeine would help. After a short shower she got dressed, dried her hair, grabbed her gun and badge out of her safe and was on her way.

Walking back into the FBI headquarters after six months was odd to say the least

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Walking back into the FBI headquarters after six months was odd to say the least. Getting in the elevator she braced herself for the looks coming her way. All of the second floor, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, knew what happened. Stepping out of the elevator, it got quite. All eyes were on Beatrice with those awful expressions. They looked at her with sadness and pity.

She quickly turned and ran towards the bathroom, locking the door and trying to slow her breathing. This was it, she was having another panic attack. She sat in a stall trying to slow her breathing but it took nearly fifteen minutes before she was calm.

Hearing a knock on the door Beatrice walked to the door and opened it. Standing there was her Unit Chief, Adam Finch. She quickly wiped her tears and stepped out of the bathroom.

"It's good to have you back Miss Clement. May I have a word in my office?" said Finch.

"Yes sir" she replied, putting her head down and following him to his office.

"Please, have a seat." He said as he closed the door then shut the blinds.

"Now, I know it's your first day back Miss Clement but I have a proposition for you. I know how unsettling it must be with all eyes on you. I've seen how you reacted."

"Sir, let me just say I am so sorry for-" she was quickly cut off.

"Nonsense. No apology needed. Now, how would you feel about transferring to the Behavioral Analyst Unit? It's just three floors up." Finch quickly said.

What? She was shocked. She had only ever been in Joint Terrorism. Why would the BAU need her? Sure, she was an agent but she wasn't very strong and wasn't a great shooter. The only reason she was in the FBI was her intelligence. Her strongest muscle was her brain she liked to say (even though the brain is not actually a muscle, but a gray and white matter that is far to complex to be a muscle although it did contain a few). 

" Now Agent you and I both know you won't be happy here anymore. You are over qualified for the position at the BAU. I know you don't like change but I believe this will be a great opportunity for you. You will be filling in for Dr. Spencer Reid until his knee heals and if the team sees it fit you will become a permanent team member. What do you say?" her chief unit says.

In this moment, Beatrice was so overwhelmed, so she said the only thing she could say "Okay."

She could not believe she agreed without a second thought. She didn't even weigh the pros and cons. Who was she?

"Alright well I will let your new Unit Chief Strauss know! Why don't you head on up? It's on the fifth floor. Strauss will be waiting for you." Said Finch.

" Okay, thank you sir" is all Beatrice said before she walked out and headed towards the fifth floor, the BAU.

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