
19 1 1


Ana picked up the metal instrument that sat amongst the pile of debris, it was a knife. The blade was encrusted with scratches and dents as it gleamed in the sunset. Suddenly, her face burst into a smile knowing she wouldn't be an impotent girl anymore.

Swiftly, the knife made its way into her scuffed leather belt as the sun disappeared behind the rocky mountains that stood strong in the distance. She was so absorbed in the scene, Ana didn't realise the unbearing sound of jackboots. Jackboots that soldiers wore. Wore to kill people like herself.

In a frenzy, she staggered upward and dashed into a small hidey-hole that was lightly dusted with sand and littered with plastic.

"Stupid dogs like communists deserve to die, I don't understand why we have to round them up first before executing them!" A man with a heavy German accent cried to his squadron in annoyance, his boots moving in sync with theirs. One replied but was too far away to be heard.

Ana's heart raced with fear but also with anger. No German should ever speak about her kind in such a way! Ana's fists clenched with a fury that burned deep inside of her, though she couldn't do anything that would change her current situation.

Immediately, Ana's anger turned to anguish. Her head lowered and tears fell from her dirty face. Once she started, she couldn't stop. Ana broke once more as she became a sobbing mess. Almost in an instant, the boots headed in her direction and she was promptly yanked from her spot from her brown hair, Her weight was thrown onto the dusty terrain as she looked up at the merciless men in black uniforms whom towered over her.




Ana's heart was palpitating out her chest as she reached to the back of her belt, and pulled out the knife, both hands gripped onto it like a vise as she hastily sprung up.

Her action was quickly revoked as barrels raised toward her. Unfortunately for ana she dropped the blade through fear but fortunately for the men one had stepped forward.

He was a blonde, with sparkly bright blue eyes and marvelously carved facial features. In short, the ideal German.

"Boys, point them straighter! Can you see how scared she is...?" The blonde boy asked them, looking at each individual, a smile smeared onto his face, none prevailed.

"answer..? Well I'll take that as a no." His smile was broader as he turned towards Ana, who stood there her eyes darting around at the scene unfolding before her tear-filled eyes.

He took a couple steps forward, leaving a couple inches between him and Ana before bending down to her level.

"So, sweetheart what's your name?" his tone was cocky with an edge. No answer was produced from ana, as she stood shaking with her knees buckling.

"So, not only is my own team not speaking, neither are my dear, dear prisoners?" he paused for a second before fabricating a pistol from his pocket and placing it under her chin, pushing the nozzle hard into her jaw.

"What do I call you before I blow your brains out over such a silly question..." he looked intently into her brown eyes as his warm breath was felt on her face. "it would be quite...unfortunate..." his voice softened before he snapped back to the situation at hand.

"I-it's ana..." she squeaked, her head held up by his gun.

"See? Wasn't hard to say was it? Who's a good girl?" he mocked turning away from her his smile still permanent. "Put her with the others, i think that's the last of them in this area. I can't wait to see them all lined up before a pit!" he excitedly wrote something in a small notebook and then walked off as soldiers followed, ana being in the middle of it all.

'Please god, help me' Ana thought helplessly to herself.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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