More Drama With The Girls

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Millie's POV
We walked into the studio me in my rose leotard and my sister in her red leotard.
Millie's Leotard

Millie's Leotard

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Ellie's Leotard

"Hey twins"Kenzie came up to us and said "hey Kenzie"Ellie and I said "we've got an issue"Kenzie said "what"Ellie and I said "My mom called the competition and pulled your duet"Kenzie said "what"Ellie said "Abby is calling them back and saying it ...

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"Hey twins"Kenzie came up to us and said "hey Kenzie"Ellie and I said "we've got an issue"Kenzie said "what"Ellie and I said "My mom called the competition and pulled your duet"Kenzie said "what"Ellie said "Abby is calling them back and saying it was a mistake"Kenzie said "I can't believe she did that"I said "she know that we will beat her kid that's why she did it"Ellie said "I hope you can do your duet it looks really good"Kenzie said "yeah I hope so too"I said then Abby called all the girls into Studio A "girls I found out that Mellisa pulled Mille and Ellie's duet luckily we were able to renter you girls but that's not the point Maddie, Kenzie you won't be in the group I'm not going to allow this behavior"Abby yelled "ugh that's not fair"Mellisa said "one more word and Maddie's our of the duet"Abby said Mellisa didn't say anything else "now we need to reblock the number, so we will work on that"Abby said and Maddie and Kenzie walked out of Studio A. "Okay with two of my best dancers out this needs to be amazing now let's see how this looks"Abby said and we started the group "Okay well it looks good but I could be better much better do it again competition is tomorrow and this isn't the best it could be"Abby yelled. This group dance is really worrying me if this group loses Abby and Mellisa can say it lost because Maddie wasn't in this and I don't want that. "Okay it looks better but it still needs work now I'm going to work on Maddie and Kalani's duet so Kalani stay in here and the rest of you can go"Abby said and we all headed to the den.
Ellie's POV
"Hey Kenzie"Millie said when we got to the den "Hey guys"Kenzie said "we're sorry that you won't be able to dance"I said "it's not your fault, my mom shouldn't of tried to get rid of your duet"Kenzie said "yeah but still you were doing so good in the group and now you can't dance" Millie said "I'll be fine I get to take a break, it's going to be okay"Kenzie said "so your not mad at us"I said "of course not your my besties I can't be mad"Kenzie said "that's great we didn't want to lose our only friend here"Millie said "that would be sad"Kenzie said "okay Millie and Ellie come in here for your duet"Abby yelled and me and my sister ran into Studio A. "Okay I don't know what has gotten into Mellisa she just deleted your dance from the competition luckily I can get it back in the competition but still that wasn't right, but don't let that discourage you, you have a great dance now let me see it"Abby said and we started the duet the duet is looking really good and I believe we could win "Abby we need to talk"Mellisa and Kira came in and said "give me a minute I am working on their duet"Abby said "this is important"Kira said "ugh fine girls head to the den we will work more on this later"Abby said and we headed to the den "I can't believe the cut down our practice"Millie said "Millie we know the dance well so I think we will be fine"I said "you want to rehearse it now"Millie said "sure why not"I said and we went through the choreography. "Look at the show offs"Maddie walked in  and said "we are just rehearing our duet since our practice was so rudely interrupted"I said "yeah but you don't work on your dances in here"Kalani said "well we are"Millie said "fine take all the practice you need you want beat us"Maddie said and walked out "they are starting to annoy me"I said "they are just trying I get in our head now come on from the top"Millie and and we redid our dance "Okay Twins you can come back in here"Abby yelled and we ran into Studio A "Okay start from the top again"Abby said and we started our duet "looks good now practice is over head home okay"Abby said and me and my sister ran to the den grabbed our stuff and headed home.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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