Chapter 2

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"Wake up sleepy head!" Lucas shouted waking me up from my peaceful slumber. I opened my eyes slowly and glared at him while he just stood there with a grin on his face.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked him with a scowl. "Yup," he said popping the p, "Dad has something important to talk with you about." What is this about? I wondered. I rolled off my bed after deciding I should go see what this is about.

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and walked out of my room with the leggings and sweatshirt i wore to bed still on. I walked to the other side of our house, more like mansion, where my dad's office was  and knocked on the door.

"Come in," my dad said and smiled when he saw it was me, "I know how much you have been wanting to go to public school, so your mother, brothers, and I have decided that we will give it a shot. You're first day is tomorrow." I gasped. I have been asking to go to public school for years, so I'm super duper happy they finally agreed! "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I say running and jumping into his arms.

When I turn around I see that all 8 of my brothers and my mom are at they door, so I run and give each of them a giant hug. "Let's go get some breakfast at IHOP," Luke says causing my brothers and I to all say, "Yes!"

My mom and dad had work to do, so it was just my brothers and I. The younger twins and Lucas went with Logan in his black jeep wrangler. I went with the older twins, Xavier, and Luke in his Black Range Rover. The boys always fight over who I get to ride with, but the oldest usually wins. I am all their favorite and am super close with all of them. On the way there we all sang our favorite songs and had a blast.

When we arrived, we were seated immediately even though it was packed because my family is well known and no one want to mess with us. After we ordered, my dads words really set in and I started panicking. I start high school tomorrow! What am i gonna wear? Am I going to make any friends? What if everyone hates me? What if—"Emma!" I shake of my thoughts and turn to see that everyone was staring at me with worried expressions and that Xavier was the one who called my name. "What?" I asked. "You started panicking and shaking," Logan says, "What were you thinking about Princess?" I frown and look down, I don't want to tell them about my new found fear of school, but they always find out everything.

"I'm worried about school tomorrow," I reluctantly tell them. They all laugh and I roll my eyes. "Don't worry, there is nothing to be scared about," Maddox reassures me. "And if anybody dares to mess with you, come tell us and we will f*** them up!" Jax tells me and I see all the boys nod in agreement with serious looks on their faces. I hope nobody tries anything on me for their own sake because nobody wants to see my brothers angry.

"Plus, you'll have 6 of us there, so you won't be alone," Alex tells me. Although that is a comforting thought, I don't want everyone to know Im their little sister right away because then a bunch of fake girls will try to befriend me to get to them. "Thanks guys!" I say smiling gratefully. "But can I ride the bus? I want the full high school experience," I ask them. The other reason for wanting to ride the bus is to keep my relation to them a secret a little longer. "Absolutely not!" They all yell causing me to jump and everyone in the restaurant to look at us.

"Are you crazy?" Dean asks looking at me incredulously. "Do you know how gross the bus is and about all the weird freaks that ride it?" Xavier angrily asks me. After they all try to convince me about how bad and dangerous it is, I just agree, but in my head i'm already planning my escape for tomorrow morning.

Soon after the waitress comes and gives us our food and we chit chat with one another. Once we finish our brunch, we drive back home and everyone goes there separate ways. Luke goes to help my dad with work, which i'm not allowed to be apart of. Logan goes to his room to get some homework done. Xavier, Maddox, and Jax go to our private gym in our mansion to work out. Alex and Dean go to their friends house. Lucas goes to the game room to play video games, and I get my school supplies together for tomorrow.

Later that evening:

"Emma!" Luke yells from downstairs. "What?" I yell back. "We ordered a pizza and are watching a movie so get your butt down here!" he continues to yell. At the word pizza I jump out of bed and run downstairs. All my brothers and I grab some pizza and drinks and head to the movie room where I see a horror movie is picked out. "Oh heck's no!" I say and turn around to leave because I hate scary movies, but before a can even take a step a muscled arm wraps around my body and lifts me clean off the floor.

I look up to see Xavier smiling down at me, I'm the only one he smiles for. "Jeez Emma, you're so light eat more Pizza," he jokes and sits me down between him and Logan on the couch. "Ha Ha, very funny," I say sarcastically, "Now let me go!" I say struggling to get up but my tiny 5'2 body has no chance against his 6'6 muscular body. "Not gonna happen," he says as the movie starts. I look over at the rest of my brothers for help, but they all just smirk at me, so I roll my eyes and shrink back into the couch attempting to hide behind Xavier's body.

After the long and tortuous 2 hours pass, Luke turns on the lights and all of my brothers come to stand in front of me. "Since it's your first day of school tomorrow, we need to go over some rules with you to ensure your safety," Luke says seriously. "Rule #1: If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable or tries to touch you, tell one of your brothers right away so they can take care of it," Logan says. "Rule #2: You can talk to boys if you want, but don't be surprised if you don't see them ever again," Xavier warns deathly serious. "Rule #3: You will sit with us at lunch," Maddox says. "Rule #4: We must approve of your outfits everyday," Jax says to which I roll my eyes. "Rule #5: No parties, drinking, or drugs," Alex says. "Rule #6: Keep your grades up, but you're smart, so that won't be a problem," Dean says sounding a bit jealous. "Rule #7: This is the most important one yet, don't you dare replace me as your best friend," Lucas says causing me to laugh out loud and my brothers to roll their eyes.

I yawn and Logan picks me up bridle style and carries me to me room. I get ready for bed and my parents stop by to tell me goodnight and wish me a good first day of school. I jump in bed and fall fast asleep.

The Mafia Princess In High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now