After story - the confession

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2 weeks after the fighting with the god

Most of these ideas were from @catfan1303 but some of it I changed to be more romantic. Hope you like the new idea and please do enjoy! 

It's been two weeks after the incredible war between the both Terrans and the god. It wasn't easy, that's for sure, but it has finally ended. The so called incredible war had finally ended. It was such a relief for all of the creatures in the Galaxy. Thanks to the Guardians of the Galaxy, everything are now in their places, where it should have never been moved in the first place.

(Y/N) and Rocket knew that they still have one heavy mission to be done. And it is called as confessing. They both had promised in the name of Yondu but they can't seem to be doing it. It wasn't easy. For both of them, it was way easier to be fighting a Celestial than confessing their hearts to each other. They promised, and they knew but they can't. The anxiety of getting pushed and rejected was way scary than standing up in front of Ronan. 

Right now, the Guardians had landed on a planet called as (Name the planet, I had nothing) to get theirselves prepared for their next mission of helping people. And... the Milano had busted off. It just started to fuel out or something. Something to do with the wiring and stuffs.

So, they had to landed on some kind of planet that contained just green field. Only some few flowers were found. It was kind of weird because the planet looked like Earth somehow. It reminded (Y/N) of the huge field that Peter and (Y/N) had tripped, right before Yondu abducted them away from Earth with the ship of his. It was actually good that Yondu had kept the Quills, or else they will be used some kind of batteries to destroy the whole Galaxy.

(Y/N) was lazy to do any kind of chores, so she just had laid down on the huge field of grass. The wind was actually cold and chilly, reminded her of her old home. It was suck back then. She more prefer to be stuck on space rather than being on Earth. If she's stuck on the Earth, where's the fun in that, right? 

(Y/N) who was lazily laid down on the field of grass, watching the sky as the clouds had spread all over the place, beautifully creating cute shapes for her to imagine. It was relaxing. Her muscles that used to be aching, had finally recovered. Even tho it was still kind of painful, but it was nothing for the Terran girl to be handling.

Both of her arms were set as a pillow for her head and her legs were crossed above each other. (Y/N) smiled in happiness, finally can get her peace from such a very long time now. Her eyes slowly closed, slowly getting herself to her slumber. When her eyes were completely closed, it was shot back open when the feeling of metal floor behind her back, giving chills down her spines.

When she opened her eyes, she looked around the room before sitting on the cold ground and sighed. Her head was hung low, lazy to accompany the giant purple Titan who had summoned her.

"What do you want now, Thanos?" (Y/N) said, rolling her eyes to the big Titan.

The Titan let out a soft laugh under his breath before sitting down next to the Terran. The silent overgrown the room, leaving both of them sitting in silence. The Terran girl sighed in boredom, knowing that Thanos won't start any conversation with her. 

(Y/N) had always hated the Titan. Thanos never did give her any peace of sleeping, even for a short while. He had will always summoned her in her dreams and told her that he's bored or something. He would always find a stupid excuses for (Y/N) to accompany him, not like she liked it tho. She'd rather go help Gamora and the others fix the Milano than being beside the father of the destroyer of the Galaxy. 

Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 ⸙͎۪۫ Rocket RaccoonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum