Chapter Twenty

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"They did. How did you know? Was it my Boston drawl?"

The fake surprise in James's voice made both, James and Gabe laugh.

"Nope, actually I Googled you, remember? The moment I started writing Cornell Google kindly offered me a history lesson on how America came to be in a way it is today."

"Yeah, that's something that comes with the surname. History lessons. Not exactly a lady magnet. Unless they already know what Mayflower is."

"I bet." Gabe picked up a bottle of the promised Scottish whiskey. "Want a glass?"

"I never say no to a great glass of whiskey."

 "Nor should you. Even though I am a little young to already have a habit like this..."

'Man, when I was your age...' Memories flooded James's mind 'Women and booze. That's what I lived for then. Women and booze.'

"James?" He was snapped out of his thoughts. "What do you think."

Before he could embarrass himself, because he had no idea what Gabe was asking him about, a young woman stepped out of the house.

"Hey Gabe! Did Emma finished with her horseback riding lesson already?" She stepped on the terrace and noticed James. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had guests."

"It's OK. James this is Felicity, Felicity this is James." They shook their hands. "Felicity is the mother of Emma, the girl you saw riding the horse with Sam. She's also our neighbor."

"I live couple miles south of the Reed ranch."

"And James here, is the business man I was telling you about. He's offering me a job in his firm."

James didn't know what to say, so he just nodded and took another sip of whiskey.

"So, will you except?"

'Yeah, will you?' Not knowing if his last resort to save the company and make it thrive at the same time will come to a happy ending, was killing James from the inside. I was also the only reason he didn't cancel this dinner and focused on his plan of getting Vivian back.

"Just between me and you Fel. I think I will." The fake conspiratory whisper was loud and clear. The moment James heard it, a huge weight fell of his heart. "But I have to talk to Lana first. Saying 'yes' to this, will mean she'll have to live here on her own."

"Gabe she will be fine. I know this for a fact. She has Sam and she has Mia. I think all will turn out just great. Besides she only came back here because of you. She loves you and wants you to be happy."

"I know Fel, but she doesn't like it here all that much. But if I leave, she'll have to stay."

"Don't over think it. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be."

James listened to the exchange, and he never felt this much of an outsider as he did at this very moment.

"Let's not talk about it right now. Stay for the barbeque Felicity, and let Greta take care of the kids."

"You're right. And an evening away from kids? I take it!"

"So it's settled. I'll just tell Greta to bring another plate on the table. I hope you don't mind James? I thought my sister would be joining us today, but she bailed the last possible moment. Girls night in Dallas..."

"It will be a pleasure."

The barbeque dinner was pleasant and a nice distraction from thoughts about Vivian. The topics wearied from towns newest gossips to technical talk about computers and business. Food was great and so was the wine they were drinking. It was obvious Gabe Reed didn't need the money James was offering. He was genuinely interested in this job.

One Night Love Affair *COMPLETED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz