XVII: Twenty Bombs At Least

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I smile back at her, memories of my younger days flooding in. If Alexander had been listening, maybe he'd feel the same things I feel.

"I suppose I know a trick or two when it comes to hand-to-hand combat," I shyly said. "It's a matter of thinking on your feet and being one step ahead at all times."

Peggy laughs. "I can barely focus on this moment. Hey, do you know where Aaron is?"

I point to Burr's cabin. "He's in there having a meeting. I think it'll end at any moment."

As if on cue, the door to Burr's cabin flings open, and out emerges Lafayette and Lee.

"Suck my cock, cunt!" Lee shouts to Lafayette as they go in separate directions.

Lafayette yells something back, but since he said it in French, I do not understand. Nonetheless, it doesn't take a genius to conclude he said something rather offensive.

"I see they're still best of friends," Peggy says sarcastically with a small laugh. "I wonder if Lee still blames Lafayette for stealing his thing... Whatever his thing is."

Alexander and I exchange a glance, but neither of us says a word. Lee made us swear we wouldn't tell anyone what went missing from his bag, and something tells me Lee isn't the type of man you want to anger.

"I wonder what they're arguing about now," I ponder out loud.

"Definitely some petty personal matters," Alexander predicts, not a hint of doubt in his tone. "Nothing important, that's for sure."

A minute later, Burr and Davidson emerge from the cabin. They appear to exchange some passive aggressive words, then speed off to follow their respective Generals.

"There he is!" Peggy excitedly exclaims at the sight of Burr. "I'll catch you two later, okay? I've been meaning to ask Aaron something. See ya!"

Peggy waves to us, then she treads through the snow to catch up to Aaron. All there's left is John.

Alexander and I slowly inch closer to the cabin, trying to get a view of the interior through the still-opened door.

"Where is he?" I ask, feeling no need to clarify who "he" is.

"He'll be out soon," Alexander replies. After another two minutes, John finally exits the cabin. His eyes are glistening with minor distress, but it vanishes when he sees us waiting for him.

"Hey, John!" I gleefully greet, almost lunging towards him.

"Hi, (Y/N). Boy am I glad to see you."

He begins walking back towards his cabin, so I follow next to him. Alexander trails not that far behind, seeming to want to observe us for a while rather than engage.

"What's wrong?" I ask, a fraudulent frown on my face; I couldn't care less about what's wrong, but for the sake of maintaining a strong bond, I must act as though I do.

"A lot of fuckin' business that Burr would defini'ely kill me for tellin' you," John responds. We reach his cabin, but instead of entering like I thought we would, he leans against the exterior wall. I don't hesitate to copy his actions, leaning to his right. Alexander joins us, going on my right and leaving me in the middle

John pulls out a cigar, lights it, then takes a deep draw from it before breathing it out like a dragon.

"'Course," John says, "it's because Burr told me not to tell anyone that I'm gonna tell you what we spoke about."

I grin, hoping my sinful intentions aren't showing from beneath my smile. "We're all ears, John."

John draws another breath from his cigar, then gazes into my eyes solemnly. "More likely than not, we'll be goin' into action within the next week."

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