Chapter Seventeen

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Dean grinned and turned to the kitchen.

Cas watched him and smiled to himself. 'You know, I can't actually cook,' he said.

Dean gave him a disbelieving look.

'It's true. Baking is easy - more a science than anything. All the ingredients are exact and measurable. Real cooking takes more instinct, which I have none of.'

{That explains your kitchen} Dean teased.

Cas laughed and leaned into the couch while he watched Dean cook. It was a simple meal, consisting of homemade burger and fries. Unfortunately for Cas, the smell just made things worse, so he curled up tightly and tried to fight it.

Once it was finished, Dean pulled out a fold-up stand to put his food on and sat down next to Cas. Dean offered a fry to him, but he shook his head.

'Where's Sam?' he asked.

Dean shrugged. {Out somewhere. Doing work, I think} He picked up the remote and clicked the TV on. {Do you watch a lot of movies?} he asked.

'Not really.'

Dean stuck his tongue out as he focused on the TV. He stopped on 'Elf' and grinned at Cas.

'You can't watch Elf when it's not Christmas, Dean,' Cas chuckled.

Dean sniggered and moved on. Eventually, he stopped on 'The Avengers'.

'You like superheroes?'

Dean nodded enthusiastically, pressed play, and quickly ate his dinner.

Cas managed to eat one of the fries, and then another when Dean beamed at him. He was quite content to sit and watch the movie. He didn't understand a lot of it, but Dean was more than happy to explain anything to him. Part way through, Dean paused the movie and got up to make popcorn.

{If it's this bad, why don't you try a different medicine?} he asked while waiting for the popcorn to cook.

{I react badly to most of them. This one isn't the worst}

Dean gave him a sympathetic look. {Will you be okay?}

{I will soon} Cas smiled. {It will settle down eventually}

{Did you take today's?} Dean asked, pointing at the bottle Cas had left on his counter.

Cas shook his head, so Dean brought the bottle over with a glass of water. Cas reluctantly downed it. Once he was finished, Dean sat back down beside him and put an arm around him, then unpaused the movie. Before he knew it, the two of them were closely nestled together on the couch. Cas's legs were curled underneath him, and he'd leant his head against Dean's chest. He could faintly hear Dean's heartbeat, relaxing him even further. He felt his eyelids begin to droop, and the rise and fall of Dean's steady breathing, combined with the effects of his medicine, gently put him to sleep.

Cas was slow to wake. He was so comfortable that he didn't want to move. A blanket had been draped over him at some point, and a hand was softly rubbing his back. He wanted to go back to sleep, but a voice caught his ear.

'That's adorable,' it whispered.

There was a shushing sound above him, and Cas realised that he'd turned completely into Dean, his face almost completely buried in Dean's chest. He felt Dean's arms move slightly and sighed quietly.

'Are you seriously watching Butch Cassidy again?'

Dean shushed again, but it was too late.

Cas rolled over and pushed himself up a little. He saw Sam first, who was holding a bottle in his hand, gleefully grinning at them.

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