I turn to her.


She cuts me off with a hug.


“Don't you ever do that to me again” she sniffs.

“What the Spanish thing? Oh trust me mom, it will never happen again!” I say.

“Not that silly” she laughs and pulls away.

I look at her.

“You scared the chosen one out of me, my love” she whispers and cups my face in her hands.

I touch her hands as they held my face and smile.

“I will never do that again mom, I give you my word”.

She smiles and tilts my head down, placing a soft kiss on my forehead, then hugging me.

“I love you sweetheart” she whispers.

I smile as I inhale her scent and damn, she smelt good!

“Me too mom” I whisper back. “And please don't tell dad about this. He'll freak out” I add.

“I won't” she squeezes me one last time and let's go. “Get some sleep”.

She turns the doorknob and steps outside.

“Mom wait!” I call back softly.

She turns, her blonde hair doing a dramatic flip.

Sometimes I wonder what'd be like to be a blonde.


I snap out of my thoughts.

“Is Maria Carlota-Fiorella really part of my name?”.

“God no!” she goes. “We named you after your dad and your grandmother Michelle”.

Oh thank God!

“I just wanted to sound mad and cool at the same time so I came up with it” she says.

I let out a little nervous but relieved laugh.

“Well you got me there! Phew!”.

She taps her fingernails on the door.

“You know mom, you should sign up for Real Moms. You'd be a great reality TV person like the Kardashians” I say.

“Goodnight Alexis” she says, trying not to laugh.

I smile as she closes the door. I stand on tiptoe and do a little dance.

“Yeah we're back to Alexis” I say and go to the bathroom.


Colton's POV

Heat rises up my cheek as my head flies to my side. I tighten my jaw and clench my fist, my knuckles turning white.

“How dare you?!” she barks. “You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to watch you go after another woman after ruining my daughter's life!”.

I turn back to look at her. Her eyes were burning with rage.

“Ruth, please calm down—”.

“Stay out of this Queen Mirabel!” the King of Grandale shouts at my mother. “Your son needs to be thought some manners” he glares at me.

I look at mom, who looks away.

“Prince Colton, what do you have to say about your actions?” I hear my father ask.

Mark of an Alpha's Queen Where stories live. Discover now