Chapter Six - Anima

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Adam nodded. "I will, I promise. I will do my best as the CV series to protect the future, so we may hold hands once again. Ria..." he whispered as he got closer again, before pressing his lips to her again, sharing a kiss, before slowly pulling away from her. "...our noble cause to save the world...will succeed. It will, regardless of the outcome." The dark interior started to grow lighter as they finally got through the wall, filling the interior with light, showing them the beautiful area of the Aiko District. "We're in now. I need to prepare, we'll be there in 20 minutes. Ria...please recover for me." He said, patting her on the head, making her smile.


Later... Tokyo Hospital for Industrial and Scientific Study

A man in a white lab coat walked along in a white and bland hallway. The hallway has the scent of a sterile environment, from constant cleaning and housekeeping. As the man is walking along while holding file folders, he passes a wall mural that reads Tokyo Hospital for Industrial and Scientific Study, Your Number One in Medical needs in blue with a double-square logo. The hospital had a steady intake of patients, but most of the complex were research centers for numerous studies of medicine and science.

The man wasn't no more than 30, but he seemed to be a little younger than most of the new people on the block. On his lab coat was a name plate that read, "Dr. Kanto Ph. D". His full name would be Kioku Kanto, heir to the corporate giant known as the Axis Corporation. The Axis Corporation being the one of Japan's largest sellers since World War III, and the leader of markets in China and the whole NEF.

Kanto scanned his way into a back corridor away from the main hallways, which lead to a business meeting room a few meters in front of him. As he approached, he slicked his hair just a bit to straighten it out from a full night of testing. He was nervous, but overall ready to present the results of a research program that he has undertaken from his mentor. He opened the door to a room that had several people in it. The people were mostly doctors and business men, sitting ready to hear the word on the project they tirelessly poured their money into.

Upon seeing the business men, he instantly voiced his thoughts like a speech he had just written beforehand. "I gathered you all for an important meeting on the progression of the Kami Program today", his voice came out a little crackly. He cleared his throat as he reached for a folder. "I also have something to show you in this meeting...", he said as he grabbed a folder and placed it onto the table. "Something important," He said as the folder flipped open and spilled out a small amount of papers. On the cover of the folder was marked with careless erasing and renaming from the years past, it read The Kami Program: To change and push Human Evolution.

"This program was started 10 years ago by a man that you may not know," Kanto said, sitting in the seat that he pulled out. "I've been personally working every minute of my current life to give you the results that we have put our important resources into." He paused for a second to let them catch up to what he had said, then continued "This is the project that I dedicated my life to..." He said as he cleared his throat, then spoke again. "I even sacrificed my only sister for this." He opened another file folder, and removed a paper detailing the results. "This is the drug testing results from a year ago, and it has a 90% fatality rate on normal humans, however, I modified the drug to give a person mental abilities in order for it to not instantly kill the user. So far the newest version of this brings down the fatality rate down to 10%," Kanto said as he looked around the table. "So far the results of the Kami program put that this is an important success of the human race."

One of the other doctors looked at him nervously and said, "How do we know that it's complete? Did you test every little detail and partition of it?". Kanto scoffed, "Yes, we spent testing it for the past 5 years, but we finally managed to perfect it", Kanto said. "We have physical evidence to show you proof that our resources and effort were not wasted," Kanto then reached across the table and clicked a button. The speaker turned on and he spoke into it, "Is he here, if so, send him up," he said, while he sat into his chair. He was very confident about this, as it was the best finding of the century, perhaps in the history of this world.

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