[ Chapter 61 ]

Comincia dall'inizio

" Why didn't he kill me in the first place?, Why did he wanted me to join the Shadow Knight's? "

" It's not making sense is it?, Now I'm just sounding like a person from an insane asylum " I look away and exit the bathroom.

I close the door and look up to see Ein awake, sitting on the edge of the bed. In his shirt and shorts.

" Mental breakdown? " He asked.

" No, just being a crazy person and talk to myself about the situation " I walk over to him and lie down.

" I heard every word you said "

" How long were you awake? " I asked.

" By the time you jolted " he said, I sigh and look up.

" It was a nightmare "

" About what? "

" About me and dad, the day he got killed " I said.

" Six years ago? " He asked, I nodded.

He got up and walk to the other side, he lies down next to me and pull the blanket over the both of us. He sighs.

" You know what? " I asked.

" What? "

" Actually never mind "

" No, what? " He sit up side ways looking down at me.

" What do I have against Dante other else than killing Nicole? " I asked.

" All of us in Divines are friends ever since high school except Natalie and Ash, they're from O'khasis, anyways, Dante was the first one to step up for all of us " he said.

" Guess when I accidentally hit Jae he got so defensive about it "

" He can get a little overprotective, especially Nicole " he said, I sighed and sit up.

" I got a bad feeling about something " I said, he sit up.

" Like what? " He asked.

" I don't know, bad vibes " I said.

" You just had a nightmare, your getting paranoid " He lies down and pull me down with him.

" I'm not " I said.

" You are, it happens to me all the time " he said.

" Your ignoring my concerns " I said.

" I'm not " he turns around.

I scoff and push him.

" Shi- " he hits the floor with a thud.

" You can sleep on the couch " I said and pull the blanket over me as I turn around hugging my pillow.

" Oh come on! " I hear him protest.

I shut my eyes when I feel him climbing on the bed.

" I'm sorry " he whispers in my ear.

I feel the heat rushing in my cheeks.

" Don't fight it " he said, feeling the smirk is already plastered on his face.

" I hate you " I said and open my eyes.

He peck me on my cheek and I dig my face in my blanket. I hear him chuckle quietly and lie down next to me, feeling his arm wrapped around my waist, he snuggles his face behind my neck and give a peck. I feel shivers running down my spines and I grip my blanket tighter.

" I love you too "

~ Time Skip ~

I sit down on the chair and cross my legs.

" Alright, I'm here, what is it? " I asked.

" We need you to tell us what your plan is with the Bounty Hunter's " Landon said.

" Why would I? " I asked.

" We can work together " Natalie said.

" Why not ask Clara?, Or Marvin? Why me? " I asked.

" Yeah, that's a good question–why not Clara?, Or Marvin?, Why her? " Ash asked, we all look at him.

" Nevermind "

" We just want to know the plan then we tell our plan then we work together " Landon said.

I'm in the Divine's meeting room, everyone is here.

" We can work together to take Carter down, tell us the plan and we'll tell ours " Garroth said.

" That's for me to know, and for you. . ." I point up in the air.

" . . .to dot, dot, dot " I did a finger gesture.

" Y/n, please " Ein said.

" Of course your on their side " I said.

" Ein persuade you girlfriend or I will " Dante said.

Katelyn then laughs.

" I'm sorry " she palms her face.

" What is it? " Aphmau asked.

" Imagine, Dante seducing Y/n " she burst out laughing and so did Catherine.

" Ew " I said.

They both then calm down.

" Gross " Natalie said.

" Back to the point " Travis said.

" I can't trust you guys anymore, not even you Ein " I said, he looks at me with a blank expression.

" By telling the plan idiot, love you still " I said.

" You know we'll force you " Garroth said.

" Then I'll shut up " I said.

" Oh no " Landon said.

" What? " Aphmau asked.

" She's not going to talk, apparently she's good at it " Ein said and rest his chin on the palm of his hand.

He looks at me and I give him a death glare.

" I don't have ideas " he looks away.

" Please Y/n, it's to expose Carter, isn't that what you want? " Katelyn asked.

I then brought up my hand into my ear as if I heard something, they all look at each other and back at me. I then use my index finger, tapping it in the air three times as in 'dot, dot, dot'

I smirked as they all roll their eyes away. I lean back on the chair and cross my arms.

" Fine, I'm torturing her " Dante he gets up.

" Sleep " Ash slaps his face and Dante fell asleep.

" I'm still figuring that out " Travis said.

" That won't work " Jae, who's been silent the entire time finally spoke.

" She won't spill no matter what, I know her better " he said, I snicker.

" Do you know what will make her talk? " Ein asked with a bitchy tone that shows jealousy.

" Lecture her about how to communicate, she'll grow tired of it " Jae smirks.

I give Jae a death glare and he just winks.

" How long will it take? " Ash asked.

" Maybe about, 2 to 5 minutes into it " Jae said.

I gasp dramatically.

" There you go " he said and stood up.

Fuck you.

I'm addicted to Merlin.



~ Mariko

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora