Chapter 10

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Percy's POV

"What do you mean by you're my dad?" I ask confused.

"He's always been a bit slow, hasn't he?" A man sarcastically questions. He seems like kind of guy you would not want your kids around. With a black leather jacket and scars all over, he fits the label of bad boy supreme, but the worst part were his eyes.

His eyes burned like the sun, hatred and death showing in his eyes. I looked directly into them, then immediately regretted doing it. Images flash across my mind, many people were dying, purple and orange figures fighting and falling together, all against the giants and monsters against them.

"Stop Ares! He has done nothing wrong to you!" A woman's voice cries out.

"Nothing wrong yet, you mean?" He spat furiously at the woman.

I finally find the strength to look away from him, and I run away as fast as I can, running through the doors I came from.

"Perseus! Come back!" A voice yells.

I ignore them and collapse in a small room I find, hysterically sobbing.

"Doctor! DOCTOR! DOCTOR! PLEASE! Doctor!" I scream out, hoping he'll find me somehow. I curl up into a ball, hoping to shield myself from the rest of the world.

Things we lost in the fire (a Doctor Who and Percy Jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now