Cancer : Part 1

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* flashback to one year ago *

No!!! Stop it, Niall, stop it!! Hahahah!! Laughs escaped my mouth as I tried to stop my two years boyfriend, Niall Horan, from tickling me.

He grabbed me, put me over his shoulders without realization. He let out a chuckle as he carried me easily.

Niall brought me out on a date at the most beautiful park outside London. He really wanted to spice up our relationship, like bringing me out to different places but less fancy and pricey.

He knew me so well that I don't like him to spoil me and use his money all for me. I would rather eat pizzas and cuddle in the bed watching movies with him.

Niall had set up the most beautiful picnic site for the two of us. He reached over to take a basket which he filled up with food and grabbed some to eat. He took a bite on the sandwich and slowly fed me with the rest of the sandwich.

Me and Niall had been dating for three years now and yes, he kept this relationship private. As we were enjoying the picnic date, I felt Niall came closer to me and his hand touched mine. His hands felt soft. I instantly felt the sparks and butterflies in my stomach. Oh how much I love this man wholeheartedly.

Without a doubt, I lowered my head towards his shoulder and he then kissed the top of my head lightly.

I love you so much, you know that, right? Niall whispered to me.

Of course, I do, I will always love you, I replied as my head tilted upwards to give him a small kiss on his warm lips. Niall lowered himself to meet my lips and cupped my cheeks, pressing his warm, soft lips against mine.

It would've had last longer but I heard cameras clicking that made us break the kiss. Niall groaned in frustration as the paparazzi barged into our private romantic picnic date. I and Niall immediately got up and took our things back into the car and went back home safely without getting mobbed.

*present day*

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to (Y/N), happy birthday to you!! I smiled ear to ear as I blew out the candles on the cake. The room was filled with our friends and family with happiness, laughter and cheers. I saw Niall and my friends taking pictures of me with the presents and the birthday cake.

Niall walked towards me with a huge smirk on his face. Happy birthday, darling, Niall leaned down and kissed me passionately. He twirled me around the room as if we were dancing the waltz.

I want some cake!!! let me have em! Lewis shouted as Niall and I broke the kiss and laughed at his reaction. Get a room please, you two. No hanky-panky here. Lewis said.

I brought the cake in the kitchen to cut and serve them in plates to the guests. Niall went to the living room to accompany our guests while I and Julia stayed behind in the kitchen.

(Y/N), could you pass me the plate (Y/N), are you okay? (Y/N)? Julia called my named and made a little wave at me.

But, my mind and thoughts were somewhere else. Julia then grabbed my arm and it shocked me a little.

Hey, what's going on? Julia asked me with a concerned face.

Oh, its nothing. Just think about work and stuff. I continued with my cake cutting.

(Y/N), I know that look and don't give me that crap look. I know something or somewhat is bothering you. Tell me. I stopped at my doings and sat down at the nearest chair. Julia immediately rushed to my side.

I huffed and took a silent pause before turning head to Julia. I've been having back pains, headaches and abdominal pains, I sighed.

Nah, it's probably the surgeries and rounds you did in the hospital or the sex you and Niall had been having, Julia nudged me, making me chuckled a bit.

"Although the sex has been great, I don't think it's that. I said seriously getting your friend's attention.

"I've also experienced some weight loss and headaches."

Julia stood quietly there, processing all the words that came out from your mouth. "it's probably nothing big, but I think you should go to the clinic; just to be safe."

"Yeah, I have an off day tomorrow so I could just stop by for an appointment."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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