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"What?!" Jin pops his head from around the corner of the door. "Yah! Are you planning on starving yourself or something?! That's too much! I don't approve!"

Jimin keeps his head hung low from embarrassment, as the tips of his ears go red.

"Well, if hyung really wants to do it, maybe we should let him," Taehyung speaks up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed even though his feet are touching the ground.

"Yeah! I agree with Tae hyung!" Jungkook pokes his head from behind Namjoon.

"Hey, why is everyone up again?" Hoseok comes into view in the doorway, ruffling his hair with a yawn.

"Jimin wants to do a diet. And guess how he wants to do it?" Jin looks at Hoseok and Jungkook as they both shrug their shoulders at him. "He wants to eat one meal per ten days. One! How can you survive one meal, when we have dance and vocal practice, hm?" Jin turns to Jimin, crossing his arms over his chest. "That isn't healthy for you, Jimin."

"Ah, see. That's what I told him!" I sigh and shake my head. A gasp comes from Hobi and Jin.

"See, you even had to have someone who's practically a stranger tell you otherwise," Namjoon shakes his head and sighs again.

"Yah, she isn't a stranger, she's my sister," Yoongi huffs, looking more annoyed than before.

"Aw, hyung cares. For once," Jungkook sits on the floor cross-legged.

"Finally," I hear Hoseok mumble.

Yoongi rolls his eyes before walking out of the room. "I'm going back to sleep. We still need to come up with a few more lyrics until we're finished with the song. Night everyone!" His voice fades out as he walks into the other hallway to his room.

"But seriously, Jimin, think about it," Hoseok says, turning to Jimin.

"I agree. It is pretty risky. You can get worn out easily, Jimin. And we all don't want that. We want you healthy and happy, OK?" Namjoon nods to Jimin. Jimin nods back before Namjoon walks off to his own bedroom. Now only Jin, Jungkook, and Taehyung are left in the room with us.

"Keep what Namjoon said in your head, Jimin," Jin sighs before following Hoseok out of the room.

Jimin sighs and cradles his head in his hands.

"See, Jimin, they're right you know," I say, rubbing my eye.

He nods and chuckles. "Yeah yeah, I know. I don't need anyone else lecturing me tonight." He pauses, looking at Taehyung and Jungkook. "Are they sleeping in here?"

"Yeah! Can we stay hyung?" Jungkook looks up at us with puppy eyes.

"Can I stay too? I don't want to walk back to my room right now. I'm feeling pretty lazy," Taehyung groans. I look over at Jimin and he nods in approval.

"I guess so. But where are you two going to sleep? There are only two beds," Jimin points out.

"Oh, I can sleep with Taehyung hyung on the futon, and you and Y/n noona can sleep on the bed," Jungkook says, getting up and pulling out the futon from under the bed.

I let out a yawn and let myself fall back into the pillows.

"Mm, can we go to sleep now?" I sigh, closing my eyes and turn onto my side, my back facing Jimin.

"Hey, Jungkook, can you turn off the light for us please?" Jimin leans back into the pillows and closes his eyes, facing my back.

Faintly, I hear shuffling before the light turns off.

Promise · A BTS JiminXReader Texting AU (Well, kind of)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu