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Yesung ran away as quickly as he could before Hyukjae could ruin his face with his birthday cake, He could hear the man running after him. He ran towards Wookie's room but before he could close the door Hyukjae managed to wedge himself inside. He looked around for escape but couldn't find a way out. Hyukjae had a devilish smirk on his face as he walked towards Yesung Who had closed his eyes and waited for the cake to be smashed on his face. Hyukjae stood close to Jongwoon and looked at his face. He smiled at how his hyung had his eyes shut tight and his small hands in front of him to keep a distance between the two and Suddenly his eyes trailed elsewhere.

Yesung was starting to lose his patience and was going to open his mouth when he felt a hand on his right cheek caressing his face while the other held his left hand lightly all of a sudden there was pressure on his lips. He felt the younger man's lip sandwiching his lips. He was frozen, he couldn't register what is happening at that moment. Jongwoon opened his eyes and looked at the other man who still had his eyes closed. He was nibbling at Yesung's lip.

Hyukjae didn't know why but he just couldn't get enough of his hyung's soft pink lips. It felt so sweet but suddenly a movement was felt and he couldn't find those lips, so he tried to search for them but failed. When he opened his eyes, he saw his Joonwoon hyung was looking at him with a shocked expression and then he realized what he had done. Before he could say anything his Hyung raised his hand and said "don't" before walking out of the room. Hyukie stood rooted to the spot and frozen his eyes still wide with shock, that he didn't notice Wookie entering the room and asking "Hyung, where is Yesung Hyung going in a hurry?. Looking back, all he could remember was showing a vague gesture towards the door earning a suspicious look from Wookie.

Yesung was sitting on the rooftop when he felt another person's presence. He didn't have to turn around to look who it was and he can feel his eyes on his back, but he couldn't bring himself to lift his head to meet the man's eyes. He knew what Hyukie did has changed something between them, something irrevocable and that scared him. He didn't mean to flee the scene back then, but something told him staying will make it worse than fleeing. Now that he is here standing behind him giving him no choice but to face this impossible situation, Yesung know he should do whatever it takes to save what they have.

Hyukjae knew that he was staring at his hyungs back but he didn't know what to do. He came to the rooftop to talk to Yesung. When Yesung hyung stormed out of the room, he had to use all the willpower he possessed to move his legs to follow his hyung, because there is no way he can leave things hanging between them like that. When Wookie entered the room asking what's going on, he knew he should say something. He should have looked worse than he thought because Wookie just looked from his shocked face to the door through which Yesung stormed out and all he said was "whatever happened between you and Yesung hyung, you better fix it hyung" with a meaningful look. Wookie is quick witted this way. Although this time Hyukie wished he was not, at least not until he fix things with Yesung.

When that realisation hit and he was jerked back to reality, he knew where to go exactly. Yesung is a predictable man, at least to Hyukie. His favourite hyung had a not-so secret place in the rooftop that he goes to every time he is upset or needs to curl back into himself. Usually no one bothers him once he goes there, because they knew yesung needs that. So after rushing to the rooftop, he hesitated at the doorway a moment before deciding to walk towards yesung with all the bit of courage he had. He came near Yesung and sat next to him without saying a word. They both looked at the scene before them.

"I don't know why I did it" Hyukjae started without looking at Yesung and felt him become stiff beside him. "I don't have an excuse for what I did" he said forcing himself to turn towards Yesung, who still was refusing to meet his eyes. He was feeling nervous feeling the rigid reactions he is getting from Yesung, but he knew that he can't blow his chance now or this will ruin their relationship, so he waited for Yesung to say something in return before saying more things that he will deeply regret.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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